The Myth of Female Loneliness

In this post, we’re discussing why the angry response of the sexually frustrated male: “Enjoy your cats and boxed wine!!!”, is wounded projection, and cope.

This response comes from a place of rejection, hurt, and fear, from men who perceive themselves as unjustly scorned by women.

Males who worry that THEY will end up alone and unloved, project this emotional energy at the opposite sex, in an effort to scare the objects of their affection into accepting them.

This is starting to sound like a feminist rant.

It isn’t.

My goal in writing this is to help men see through the thick fog of delusion, and step into the blinding sunlight of reality, as harsh as it may seem.

Delusion is alluring, because it’s comfortable.

You are the creator of your own fantasy world. Everything happens the way you want it to.

Of course, that’s preferable to reality, where events mostly DON’T transpire the way you’d ideally prefer.

Inside our imaginations, we get the girl of our dreams,… or at least get the retribution of seeing women who rejected us end up abandoned and miserable.

If we won’t be granted the love story we desire, the satisfaction of seeing someone else suffer would be consolation.

Neither of these outcomes is likely to happen.

Most men reading this won’t win the heart of “the woman of their dreams” (which, in itself is a problem, see my posts “Getting the Woman of Your Dreams Is A Nightmare” and “Even When You Win With Women, You Lose”).

It looks good on the Christmas card, but the reality of life as a married man isn’t anything most men would actually want, if they knew the truth.

You’ll be lucky to end up with ANY woman, and even if you do, she most likely won’t look like anything you’ve been dreaming about.

The dirty little secret of the PUA/ seduction space, is that, no matter how hard you “self-impr00ve”, bench press, and looksmaxx: most men have to take what they can get.

Occasionally, some guys get lucky; a beautiful young ingenue just falls into their lap.

I’ve written about this before, but when I was 30, living in a basement, I met a sexy woman in her early 20s that, inexplicably, fell madly in love with me. She was my exclusive girlfriend and we lived together for several years.

At the time, I didn’t lift weights, I’d never heard of the Red Pill, and I didn’t have any “Game”.

I got lucky.

Some of you will too, while it lasts.

Most of you will end up with a woman older, chubbier, raising another man’s kids,… an overall way less appealing situation than you would hope.

It’s not the end of the world.

Beauty fades and looks aren’t everything. (At least that’s what people say…)

If you meet a good girl that loves you, just be happy with that.

  1. Women Are Never Alone

First, threatening women with a future of boxed wine and cats is pointless.

Plenty of women are ALREADY completely content to sit at home with their pet, in comfy sweats, sipping wine and scrolling Instagram.

Women never have to be alone, unless they want to be, and they know it.

Unlike men, women don’t have to leave their house to receive relentless validation and sexual attention.

With her cat curled up in her lap, no makeup, and zero effort, any woman on the planet can post a couple of lazy selfies to any dating app, and line up dates, drinks, dinner, offers to get flown out, etc., from men all over the world.

Despite what you think, there is no age, weight, or attractiveness limit on this attention.

If you think a woman can’t get guys to simp for her because she’s over 30, (or 40, or 50, or beyond), or she’s overweight, has children, isn’t that attractive- you need to get out more.

Men are horny, and desperate for female validation.

There are lots of guys who even pride themselves on being able to sleep with women no one else would touch.

Surprisingly, many of these “any hole’s a goal” guys are what most people would consider traditionally good looking.

If you could see in the DMs of women you think are “mid”, or beneath your standards, you would find tall, successful, handsome guys begging to take her to restaurants you can’t afford, or fly her to islands you’ve never heard of.

There’s no end to it, and women know that, too.

Which is another reason why you barely get matches on dating apps, or they never respond, or they flake at the last minute if you do manage, against all odds, to set up a date.

Most decent looking women have way better options than going on a date with you, and their actions prove it.

“Chads Only Want Sex”

The response to this will be something like, “Well, they can get ‘Chads’ for sex, but he won’t commit”.

When guys say this, I suspect they’ve never been with a woman that SAW THEM as a “Chad”.

Contrary to popular Red Pill talking points, it’s possible for a man who wouldn’t be considered a typical “Chad”, to be very attractive to a single woman, or a sub-type of women.

It’s entirely possible for a woman to consider you REALLY desirable, even if you’re short, kinda chubby, not that good looking, etc.

As I said, sometimes you just get lucky.

The fallacy is in thinking that Chad, or Chad type guys, get to just show up at women’s houses, fuck her, and leave without saying a word.

Sex for women is often much more about an emotional connection, than the physical act.

A man’s physical attributes may pique her interest, but his personality, sense of humor, and the way he makes her FEEL are the most important things.

It just so happens that women often “FEEL” the most for guys who are tall, successful, and high status within her social group.

My point is, even really good looking guys will text women, be charming and funny, make her laugh, etc.

It might not be much attention, but he has to give her at least SOME, to keep her receptive.

Another dirty secret about “Chads” is that they’re often broke, so they have time to text women all day.

Additionally, guys who appear to be the most attractive and confident, often have crippling low self worth, and this are the most desperate for female affirmation.

The really good looking guy might not have to take her on fancy dates, but he IS investing time and attention to sleep with her, and women can’t tell the difference between a guy that’s charming them because he really likes her, and one that’s just keeping her on the hook for sex.

Good looking guys do show women attention, validation, and make them feel good.

Why else would she want a relationship with him?

2. Women LIKE Staying Home

Most of the time women have ghosted you, they just sat at home anyway.

Women don’t have hobbies, and rarely go anywhere alone.

Most of the time you have seen women out at bars, it’s because one of their friends dragged and peer pressured them into going.

Women love being at home, and on social media, and they hate talking to men they’re not attracted to.

From this perspective, the point I’m trying to make here becomes much clearer.

Torture Devices

Additionally, most women’s dress up clothes, like high heels, fancy push-up bras, and tight fitting clothes, are effectively TORTURE DEVICES that no man on Earth would put up with.

You’ve probably seen women carrying their strappy shoes at the end of a night at the club, preferring to walk on the dirty streets in bare feet, than subject their bodies to anymore misery.

Guys don’t think about this, because we don’t have to do it.

Before a date, the typical guy showers, maybe shaves, puts on cologne, and a nice shirt.

It takes 15 minutes max, and is completely pain-free, actually is pleasure-able.

Contrast that with the typical woman getting ready for a date.

She’ll spend an hour just shaving her legs.

Then doing her hair, then applying hundreds of dollars of makeup, then squeezing her body into tight clothes that often restrict her breathing and limit her mobility.

Then squeeze her feet into tight shoes which make walking impossible and agonizing.

To sit across the table from a guy who she already knows is willing to say or do anything to get in her pants.

As I was writing this, I realized why women so often seem crabby or cynical on dates: they’re in pain!

After fully considering women’s experience, it’s a miracle they ever show up to dates at all.

I feel more compassion than anger.

3. Women Would Rather Be Alone or Share A Guy They Like, Than Date You

This one is self-explanatory to everyone reading this. I won’t belabor the point.

Women just ARE NOT as interested in men, as men are in women.

Author and Youtube creator Aaron Clarey has pointed this out, and I am forced to agree with him.

Women don’t need to have sex to live a fulfilling life, the way that most men do.

Clarey writes that because relationships are “a luxury, not a necessity” for women, they can be a lot pickier. And they are.

Women’s behavior on dating apps, and even in person, has definitively proven that plenty of women will just share a man they’re very attracted to, rather than date a guy they don’t really like.

This is based in evolution and the development of human society; there’s no reason to get angry with women about this. They mostly can’t control it anyway.

There have always been harems and sister wives.

Some historians suggest that polygamy was necessary throughout human history, as large percentages of reproductive age men would often be killed fighting in the constant conflicts and wars of early civilizations.

These scholars posit that surviving men, who would be genetically superior, because they were smart or strong enough to stay alive, were basically forced to reproduce (and provide for) multiple women each, to continue to propagate the human race.

We seem to be returning to such a society.

The only problem is, since most men aren’t dying in wars anymore, we’re stuck living, but without women, or the women we’d ideally want.

If you’re having the time of your life dating divorced 50 year olds, enjoy yourself, but that’s not what we’re talking about here.

Luckily for everyone, I have a lot to say on the topic of creating an exciting and fun life for yourself, whether you can convince women to date you, or not.

For more on that, watch out for my next post.


I see men hurl this intended abuse at women, on Youtube, Twitter, even the comments of this blog.

While it may temporarily feel good to blow off steam, damning women to a life of hanging out with their pets, in the comfort of their own homes, is silly.

Most people recognize the abuser as bitterly projecting his own fears onto women, in anger for being rejected.

Women have families, friends, and, even if they never get married, they can always have a kid with any one of the hot guys she’s sleeping with.

The child gives them something to do, keeps them company, and will take care of them when they get old.

She doesn’t need the hot guy to commit to her to do this.

In fact, in some races (black Americans), many women actually PREFER to raise their children alone. It’s how they grew up and they don’t see anything wrong with the arrangement.

Sex Drive

I didn’t explore this aspect, but women also have a fraction (between 1/17 and 1/20) of the sex drive that men do.

Women ENJOY sex, but they aren’t driven by an all-encompassing NEED for sexual expression, the way men are.

Once they are past the boy-crazy stage of teens to early 20s, women don’t care about relationships, unless their friends get in one, and they feel left out.

In fact, in most videos you’ve seen of women crying in their car about wanting to be married, the real problem is that all of their friends are married, and women don’t like to be seen as different from their peer group.

The desire isn’t for a man, it’s for a social standing equal to that of her friends.

The phenomenon works both ways.

The most common indicator that a married couple will get divorced within a year, is if a couple in their friends group gets divorced.

Which proves the point I’ve been making all along.

Plan accordingly.


For more on this, see my posts:

The 5 Stages of Game


When Men’s Dating Options Hit the Wall