Why I Dropped $3,000 On An RSD Bootcamp With Owen Cook

A few weeks ago, I pulled out my credit card.

Without hesitation, I read the 16 digit number imprinted on its face to a sales rep on the other end of a phone call.

I was investing a few thousand dollars into a weekend “Bootcamp” with one of the most storied legends in the self-improvement/ pick-up community.

If you haven’t heard of Owen Cook, aka “RSD Tyler” by now, you’re either new to the seduction community, or haven’t been on the internet in the last 20 years.

Whether you like him or not, his work, and his longevity in the space, have earned him a spot in the PUA Hall or Fame, right next to Mystery, Ross Jefferies, David DeAngelo, and Todd V. (The latter two of which Cook has worked with closely.)

Since the early 00s, Cook has been lecturing, leading live in-field trainings, and producing content on the topic of social skills, seduction, and self-growth.

As society and “wokeness” has evolved, so has his content.

Owen’s videos are no longer (just) concerned with approaching women and getting laid.

He also speaks profoundly and earnestly about the deeper, subconscious reasons why we want those things in the first place.

Along with being a gifted spiritual teacher, Cook is also a damn good marketer, who has driven hundreds of millions in sales of information products such as seminars, digital courses, and courses.

So how did I, a guy that sells digital courses and coaching, end up investing 3Gs on working with him?

Here’s how:

Everything Is Relationships

I recognized social skills as an area which needed major improvement in my life.

As some of you already know, this blog was previously titled “Solitary Beast: Masculine Self-Improvement for Introverts”.

However, in the past year, I recognized that the label “introvert” was no longer serving me. See podcast episode, “You’re Not An Introvert”.

Though I’ll likely continue to enjoy a lot of solitude, I still wanted to improve my ability to create, and sustain social relationships.

I urgently wanted to improve my social skills.

I Knew I Needed Help

Sure, you can learn anything from Youtube, but I wanted to go straight to a source that I consider the best in the world in this subject.

Free resources such as Youtube videos, books, and blogs (like this one) can provide an excellent base to help yourself improve in any area of your life.

However, these resources can only provide general information, that isn’t tailored to your specific situation.

I wanted an expert in my unique issue to provide personalized advice that was exactly applicable to me.

This is the difference between buying a suit off the rack, and getting an experienced tailor to create a bespoke item perfectly fitted to your body.

Personalized anything costs more than generalized “One Size Fits All”, but when you are REALLY ready for a solution, as I am, it’s worth it.

The best performers in every field have employed the guidance and insight of coaches to achieve their great successes.

Legendary examples include trainer Cus D’Amato guiding teenage Mike Tyson to a heavyweight title, Phil Jackson leading Michael Jordan to greatness, even back to 500 BC, where Socrates mentored Plato, who in turn advised the young Aristotle. See my post “Why You Need A Coach”.

His Free Content Blew Me Away

Cook’s previous mentor, Eben Pagan, pioneered a concept he called “Moving the Free Line”.

(Pagan wrote the legendary seduction guide, “Attraction Is Not A Choice”, under the pen name “David DeAngelo”.

I reviewed that book in one of the most popular posts on the blog, “3 Books To Massively Improve Your Dating Life”.)

Pagan’s idea is that marketers should give away their BEST content, to show prospective buyers that they have an amazing product.

Plenty of companies do this with free trials.

For example, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and many other companies allow customers to try their product for free before spending a dime.

Once you see how good their offer is, you’ll gladly become a paying customer.

My first exposure to RSD content was the free videos on Youtube. Many of these videos are an hour long, or more.

The production quality is impressive: beautiful exotic locations, stunning B roll, and most importantly, Cook’s sincerity in his teaching.

The Higher Purpose Program

When Cook offered a mini-course on his concepts, absolutely free, I jumped on it right away.

Via email, I received access to a Kajabi video course with Owen diving deep into the subjects that he knows best: human potential and self development.

The free Higher Purpose Program course from SelfMastery.co.

He calls it a “mini-course”, but it’s actually a massive video seminar: 18 lessons that explore topics like limiting beliefs, identify shifts, and the Neuro-linguistic Programming concept of modeling.

For more on NLP modeling, see my post, “How to Be Like Your Heroes”.

I jumped right into the material, captivated by the fact that a guy I’d never met somehow seemed like he was inside my head, reading my thoughts.

Being a serious student, and massive nerd🤓, I went through the course twice, taking copious notes to remember the salient points.

Many of the ideas were things I’d heard or learned before, but needed to be reminded of their importance.

Some of it was brand new information that opened my eyes to amazing new possibilities lying right in front of my face.

If you’re interested in self-development, and reaching your highest potential, I highly recommend checking out the course.

This isn’t an advertisement, and I don’t have an affiliate link.

The course is free, see his Youtube channel for details.

A Financial Investment Means I Am Serious

When you are ready to commit to a result, in any area of your life, put “skin in the game” by investing financially.

The money is more for your benefit than the person selling you the solution.

By pulling out your wallet, and dedicating money to the problem, you are showing yourself that you’re serious about creating a change.

Life is only a collection of fleeting moments.

As we put things off, excusing ourselves with “I’ll get around to it”, “Someday”, and “Later”, life slips away.

With a few months of mortgage payments on the line, and a spot reserved, I have ensured myself that this is a challenge I’m taking action on NOW, not “eventually”.

The investment signifies that this is something I am taking seriously.

As a result, improving my social skills in now at the forefront of my mind as an area that deserves my attention.

In the weeks since I reserved my seat in the bootcamp, I’m more mindful of the way I’m interacting with others.

I’ve been going out more, practicing the ideas I’ve learned from Cook’s free content into practice.

A financial investment is a way of “running game” on myself, to ensure that I follow through with my commitment.


A lot of information is available for free, or low cost, and such resources can be very helpful.

However, when you’re ready for a deeper level of help than a video or blog post can supply, dig deep and make an investment in yourself.

For a review of my most important takeaways from the weekend, see my post, “5 Biggest Ideas From My RSD Bootcamp with Owen Cook”

As far as anyone knows, this is your one life.

What are you doing to ensure you get the outcomes you really want?
