Women Don't Understand Rejection

As a man, rejection is one of your best friends.

Rejection can teach you how to improve, motivate you to change, and steer you in the right direction if you’ve gone off course.

Rejection is like the wise, helpful sage that you meet on a video game quest.

He tells you to bring a sword and prepare for a heroic battle.

In fact,

If you AREN’T getting rejected in life: in business and by women, you’re not trying hard enough.

As Corey Wayne teaches,

“Masculine energy is about





and breaking through barriers”

Obviously, you have to MEET the barriers first, in the form of rejection, or his cousin, failure, to eventually overcome them.

I have written about rejection several times before on the blog. (Learning From Failure: How to Take An L)

If you’re paying attention, you’ll notice that events tend to happen in patterns.

I experienced a pattern of getting shut down, brushed off, and ghosted by nearly EVERYTHING I tried to do, for several months, a little over a year ago.

It seemed like NOTHING I tried could go right.

I applied for a new job.

The interviewer loved me, and I was well qualified for the position.

I walked out of the interview feeling confident.

Two weeks later, I hadn’t heard anything, and started to worry.

I called to follow up and was told they were still interviewing candidates.

I didn’t even get an offer.

Later that month, I matched with a cute woman on a dating app.

The conversation flowed easily, she seemed very attracted to me.

I set a date for a romantic picnic in a local park.

When it came to the evening of our date, she ghosted me. Read "That Time I Got Ghosted By A Woman I Really Liked".

That stung for a while.

Wounded, I later caught feelings for an average looking woman with short hair.

We hooked up a few times, but I caught feelings fast.

Women hate that.

She started jerking me around, and eventually “friend-zoned me”, because I was acting like a simp.

Another punch to the gut.

There Are Only Two Options

Over and over, life kept knocking the wind out of me.

It sucked.

At this particular time, I had a group of acquaintances, but had lost touch with my few close friends.

I felt that had no one I could confide in. I felt isolated, lonely, and discouraged. That was one of the lowest times in my life.

But I kept going.

I got up every day and put one foot in front of the other. Read my post “How Men Can Overcome Depression”.

I poured myself into weight training, hitting the gym with the zeal of a new convert.

I would be in the gym every night for hours, even after working a full day at a physical job.

I became a serious student of the dating game, reading and re-reading stacks of books on seduction and attraction.

My two only options were 1. Improve, or 2. give up.

That time felt like a deployment to an emotional battlefield, but the ordeal built confidence in me like a grizzled war hero.

I got better because I had NO OTHER CHOICE. As I wrote in my post “How Men Can Overcome Depression”, “tough times are the crucible in which a man forges himself.”

When I look back on that time, I laugh to myself.

This was before I knew about game, so of course I made all the rookie mistakes in the book: showing too much interest, being sweet, and respectful of women, like a chump. (Silly me.)

My style was decent, but I often wore clothes that didn’t fit well, and didn’t help me stand out.

I talked too fast,

too much,

had unattractive body language,

and no masculine center. Read my post “3 Books to Improve Your Sex Life”.

in short,

EVERYTHING needed improvement.

I’ve come so far in all aspects of my life. Now I understand WHY I was getting rejected.

Not Good Enough

The simple fact is that I was struggling because I wasn’t good enough.

It hurt at the time, but those challenges were a TREMENDOUS gift.

if I hadn’t experienced those struggles, I would never have worked this hard to be better.

I would be stuck in those same ill-fitting clothes, at a mediocre job, getting played by barely attractive women I wouldn’t look twice at today.

I shudder to think what would have happened if I had gotten what I wanted from that average looking woman.

I might be stuck with her, getting fatter, wearing white New Balances in Target, like the boyfriends in my post Girlfriends Are Better Than Wives.

Since that average woman blew me off, I improved to the point I was dating women 10+ years younger than her, prettier, more interesting, with better bodies, (“Younger, wetter, tighter”) and much more submissive.

It stung at the time, but looking back, I’m HAPPY she rejected me.

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Coach Corey Wayne teaches,

“The quickest way to get someone’s attention is to remove yours”.

Like clockwork, once I moved on and started ignoring this woman’s plays to get free attention and simp favors, her interest in me started to rise.

As I said, I got serious in the gym, and started looking more muscular.

My shoulders and chest widened. I was dressing better, and dating better looking women.

The old average chick came running back.

She hit up my phone with text after text. I never responded. In the end, I blew HER off.

It was the sweetest revenge.

Women Don’t Understand Rejection

Women don’t understand rejection, because they never come close to experiencing it.

To get anywhere in life, men have to constantly push forward in the world, fighting for opportunities in career and with women.

Women, on the other hand, passively show up, and get handed opportunities simply by being present.

In the comments of an article on my Medium blog, a woman wrote “He admits he got ghosted”, as if that’s something to be ashamed of.

Any man that’s dating in the modern era has either been ghosted or flaked on, or he’s not trying.

In fact, my post on how to handle ghosting, “What To Do When Women Flake: 8 Ways To Feel Better”, is one of the top search results on Google for the keyword.

It’s one of the best performing posts on my site, because of all the men out there dealing with the phenomenon.

My heckler threw it in my face as an insult, because women don’t understand what dating and relationships are like for men, and wouldn’t care even if they did.

Women are solipsistic

Rollo Tomassi introduced me to this term in his seminal work, The Rational Male. Because society is so femme-centric, women are constantly being told that they are “empowered”.

Men are depicted as buffoonish, dumb, and irresponsible, at best. A woman is instructed over and over that only her needs, and her viewpoint matters.

The woman in my comments doesn’t know that ALL men experience ghosting.

Being ghosted is not an indicator that I did anything wrong, nor is it something to laugh at. It’s just a fact of life as a single man in the dating world.

A solipsistic woman has no way to know that. Her conditioning in feminist dogma would cause her to ridicule or dismiss it anyway.

The feminist I dated, and wrote about in my last post, “5 Surprises From Dating A 40 Year Old Feminist” held a similar opinion.

During the end of our relationship, she went into daggers out mode, saying ANY and EVERYTHING she could think of to wound me.

At one point, she lashed out,

“She (a woman I’d mentioned previously) rejected you, like all the others…”

She spat it out like an insult.

I suppressed a smirk. I found it funny because it perfectly illustrates the point I’m making here.

Women can’t appreciate the confidence it takes to approach an attractive stranger.

Much less approach, introduce yourself, get her to laugh and feel comfortable, then risk embarrassment by asking said stranger out.

A lot of grown men are afraid to do this.

When the feminist tried to use it as an attack, I smiled to myself.

She was trying to hurt me, but made herself look silly and childish. She also completely missed the point.

It takes strength to approach a woman for dates and sex, knowing that the odds are high she will reject you.

Being able to do that, brush off rejection without letting it get to you, and keep going, takes courage, mental fortitude, and being a badass.

Women, who are used to simply pushing their tits up and smiling to get everything for free, have no reference point for such internal strength.

Women are incapable of understanding that level of mental toughness, because they’ve never had to do it.

Women Are Objects

From this perspective, I understand the saying “Women are objects”.

It seems like a Neanderthal way to think on it’s face. However, like with many things, if you look deeper, there’s a lot more to it.

Women are objects in the sense that they are passive.

A woman in a bar is as much of an inanimate object as the stool she’s sitting on.

Nothing would happen in that bar, in larger society, or in all of human history, if a man didn’t show up and take action first.

In Conclusion

I hope this post inspires you brothers to see rejection as an ally, more than an enemy.
Yes, it stings to lose out on a woman you like, or a business proposal you were aiming for.

However, rejection is a bittersweet gift. Rejection guides you by the hand, and shows you opportunities to improve.

Continue striving to be better, to the point that you can scoff at things, women, jobs, etc. that you used to aspire to.

Keep going.

-Solitary Beast