7 Ways Men Can Grow More Attractive With Age

As a man, you are in possession of a rare and powerful gift.

One that half of the population does not have access to, and the other half mostly fails to use.

The gift is this:

You have the power to get BETTER with age.

Men are unique in their ability to grow stronger, smarter, more financially successful, and more physically desirable as time passes.


In his book Atomic Attraction, psychologist Chris Canwell wrote,

“A man’s prime is his mid-30s, but by that time, most men are out of shape, flabby, and balding”.

Indeed, 80% of Americans are overweight, with 50% categorized as obese. This includes 50% of men.

Half-Truths and Potential

In the Manosphere, we like to beat our chests and brag:

“Men age like fine wine, women age like milk.”

One half is true, but the other has only the POTENTIAL to be true; it is not guaranteed.

A man that neglects his diet, fashion, and the gym will not see his prime begin in his 30s.

He’ll be sitting around reminiscing about his “glory days” back in high school.

He THINKS he misses his youth.

What he’s truly longing for is the time when:

1. He took care of himself, and

2. He was proud of how he looked.

Getting Better Every Day

In my late 30s, I am in the best physical shape of my life.

Financially, in my career, and in my dealings with women all reflect my years of hard work and growth that stems from many failures.

The gift of being in my 30s is that I have the wisdom that comes from trying many different things, and learning a lot about the world, and myself.

As a man, it’s a gift to be able to fully experience adult life before reaching my prime.

By the time a woman has experienced a little of adulthood, it’s already over.

A confident man in his prime has NO competition.

I can say with full certainty:

there is no man in his 20s, or even early 30s that can hold a candle to a prime age man, in terms of success and skill with women, or in business.

Luckily, as a man, it’s SIMPLE to make yourself attractive.

If you are naturally handsome, it’s even better.

For those of us with more average looks, a few easy steps will have you looking your best.

Blogger Chris DeLoundes of GoodLookingLoser.com intuited:

“Celebrities are above average looking people with low body fat, who take care of their skin.”

That’s it.

That’s all you need to take your physical appearance, and your experience in interacting with other people- in business, socially, and with women, to the next level.

I am an unapologetic believer in looking your best.

You tell people who you are, and how much to respect you, with your appearance.

Mark Zuckerberg can limp around in ill fitting jeans and a dirty hoodie. He’s famous, one of the richest, most powerful men on the planet, and a self-made billionaire.

He’d get more respect if he looked better.

It’s that important.

It should become important to you.

  1. Get Lean

Not every man wants to be a hulk like the Rock (or use enough steroids to choke a large horse) but EVERY man should aspire to be lean and fit.

I’ve said it before, and I will keep saying until men understand this:

If you are more than 10 pounds overweight, you are cockblocking yourself from success with women.

Dad bods are not healthy, or sexy, despite what the feminized, clown world media tries to promote.

Abs will start to show around 15- 10% body fat.

Simple to do with a little discipline, and understanding of the process:

Track Macros

Download MyFitnessPal, or a similar app, and track your calorie intake. Once you understand what, and how much to eat, you’ll be able to eyeball it.

I use an inexpensive food scale to really dial it in.

Might sound extreme, the average man is obese and looks like trash. As an American man in my 30s, a flat mid-section is extreme.

My coach Wes Watson preaches, “In this life, everything looks like EXACTLY what it is”.

Skip Breakfast.

Most people aren’t even hungry in the morning.

You eat out of habit, and conditioning from industrial agriculture companies pushing sugary cereal.

Sip black coffee, plain tea, or good old fashioned water until lunch. If you want to be a real badass, push it until 2pm.

Don’t Drink Calories

Sodas, juice, and Starbucks coffee milkshakes are empty, unsatisfying, but the calories stick around on your midsection. Ditch them.

Plain tea and water are your new best friends.

Yes, Coca Cola and sugary juices taste better. Drink water anyway.

I don’t know who said it first, but I also heard this one from Wes Watson:

Learn to suffer WILLINGLY.

Which brings me to my next point:

Get comfortable being hungry

You have to feel hungry to lose body fat.

It’s not the end of the world to feel the experience of feeling hungry. The sensation that you understand as “hunger” is your body searching for calories. If you discipline yourself to live with that feeling without being controlled by it, your body will burn fat, and you’ll be lean.

Visible abs are sexy to women.

More importantly, defined abdominal muscles are a trophy, a visual testament of your discipline and consistency.

2. Push Your Limits

Drive yourself to live on the edge of your abilities.

Understand that comfort is a prison. Learn to be suspicious of feeling too comfortable.

Wake Up Earlier

Earl Nightingale taught, “One extra hour a day is 6.5 FORTY HOUR WEEKS a year.”

What could you accomplish with an extra month and half of work that the average man doesn’t use?

Lift, plan, write your novel, build up your side business.

If you’re currently smashing the snooze button every morning, start by getting out of bed right away when the alarm goes off. Set your alarm 20 minutes earlier and increment up to a full hour, or more.

I warn men that once you see how much more productive you become, getting up earlier will become addictive. I currently wake up at 0400. I’m often up before the alarm. I love getting started on my day.

If I’m alone, I make the bed, meditate, go out to the garage to train. By the time the sun comes up, I’ve already crushed a workout, written another post for Solitary Beast, meditated, or practiced guitar.

The old me, and average guys, are still wiping the crust out of their eyes.

As a result, I feel skyrocketed self- confidence. I am more productive, more willful, and more muscular than I’ve ever felt in my life.

And, getting up early is free.

Refuse To Settle In A Low Testosterone, Comfortable, Corporate Job

The Sigma man isn’t satisfied taking direction from another man.

If circumstances force him to work for someone else, he knows it’s temporary. He’s planning his escape.

I left a comfy, corporate job less than one month ago.

Lots of unnecessary meetings, always fully supplied with sugary snacks. In fact, the only time the hen-pecked, low T, dad bod drones showed signs of life is when there were donuts in the morning meeting.

I’m embarrassed to say I stayed there for 4 years. I fell into a trap of comfort. “But health insurance… but 401k…But ‘job security’”, I persuaded myself.

In the end, I decided no amount of money is worth my self-respect.

Look at men 5- 10 years older than you in corporate environments.

That is not the life any man wants for himself. Start working on a way to support yourself outside the feminized Western job environment.

It has never in history been easier for a man to support himself in his own business.

As I write this, there are men making a living doing Youtube videos. Even a small child made millions. You can’t make a few thousand a week to stop pushing TPS reports?!

Buy a course, hire a coach, whatever it takes. Just get started.

Chase Fun, Excitement, and Success

This is easier to do than ever, because as a man in his prime, you likely have more disposable income than ever before, and you have lots of life experience to know what you’re interested in.

The man in his prime is pursuing dreams he’s has all his life, because he finally has the money to do it.

Imagine the perfect day. Get a pen out and write it down. Of course, the Solitary Beast man keeps a journal.

What would you do? Who would you be with?

Identify that and work backwards.

This should include physical activity that you are actually DOING, like riding a motorcycle, rock climbing, surfing, boxing.

Excitement is attractive to women, and the energy you gain from chasing your passions compounds itself.

Some examples of things I’m working on: took a motorcycle safety course to buy a motorcycle, planning to visit Thailand again (this will be my third time there) to train muay Thai, left my job to grow my business.

What are your goals? Leave me a comment below.

3. Develop A Personal Style

Wear dark clothes that fit well.

Identify a man who’s style you admire and dress like him

Buy nice shoes. No runners outside the gym. Ever

Own at least one nice watch .

A t-shirt and chinos on a broad shoulders and big arms looks better than a Gucci suit on a Harvey Weinstein body

4. Deepen Your Social Connections

Listen without interrupting

Ask questions the other person would enjoy answering

Avoid talking about yourself. Deflect with funny comments then turn the attention back to the other person.

5. Pay Attention to the Small Stuff in Hygiene

White strips for your teeth.


Get a nose hair trimmer to tame the sprouting stray hairs in your nostrils.

Use real soap, not commercial “body wash” detergents.

6. Smell Irresistible

Switch to a high quality, natural soap. The chemical cocktail ambigously called “Body Wash” in stores is legally classified as a “detergent”. The main function of a detergent is to strip away oil.

So the industrial detergents you’re rubbing are your skin are stripping away your natural oils, every time you shower.

Try this natural soap: (not an affiliate link) to retain the natural moisture in your skin.

Hydrated skin looks better. Colognes will smell richer and deeper when blended with your body’s natural scents in the oils on your skin.

7. Cultivate An Interesting Hobby

Chess, riding and rebuilding motorcycles, carpentry projects, painting, playing music, cooking, are some examples.

Hobbies make you interesting, to other people, and to women. Hobbies give you more ways to relate to people, building friendships and social connections.

Hobbies are also an excellent way to blow off steam from stress of work and daily life.