A Girlfriend Is Better Than A Wife

If you sleep with a woman long enough, she will expect a relationship.

In fact, she feels entitled to it.

With women, sex and dating are never “casual”, despite what she might say in the beginning.

It’s never just two adults enjoying each other’s company and having fun together.

A woman always has a motive, especially in her 30s and up.

No matter how “cool” they start out, women always eventually get clingy, demanding, and bossy about commitment and official titles.


Anytime I’ve fucked woman for more than a few weeks, she started asking for commitment, the dreaded “relationship”.

Even younger women, in their mid-20s, would start leaving clothes and toothbrushes at my place, acting like we are together, if I fucked them more than a few times.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to fuck the same woman repeatedly, and avoid the constant pressure of relationship expectations.

The so called “pump and dump” strategy seems the most humane way to deal with women, as they are biologically wired to pair bond in a sexual relationship.

A woman can no more stop herself from demanding the security of a relationship, than you can stop yourself from fixating on a pair of nubile breasts in a low cut top.

The Inevitable

I’ve been dating and sleeping with a woman for about 9 months.

By now, she insists on introducing me as her “boyfriend”.

I’ve been buying her dinner, fucking her, doing repairs on her car, and meeting her friends for months.

If I fucked this woman and kicked her out on the street, like a lot of men do, female readers would call me an “asshole”.If I treat her well, taking her to dinner, dates, etc like women SAY they want, I’m somehow still an asshole.Women cannot be sat…

If I fucked this woman and kicked her out on the street, like a lot of men do, female readers would call me an “asshole”.

If I treat her well, taking her to dinner, dates, etc like women SAY they want, I’m somehow still an asshole.

Women cannot be satisfied. Don’t waste your time trying.

She asked me for a commitment outright several months ago, and has been hinting at relationships frequently since then.

I ducked and dodged, like Floyd Mayweather in a title fight, for months.

She’s finally worn me down.

I’m tired.

I enjoy this woman’s company, but I’m not looking to be tied down.

As Kenny Rodgers taught, “You got to know when to walk away, and know when to run.”

Dad Bods and Testosterone Drops

I know plenty of men in relationships with women.

They are pathetic, and that is exactly why I don’t ever want to do it.

A man in relationship loses himself.

He withers from a strong man, to a worn out beast of burden.

He only exists to keep the woman happy: carrying her purse, financing her lifestyle, and getting heavy things out of the car.

Men In Relationships Get Fat

I’ve seen jacked studs with rippling six packs, transform into pot bellied slobs, in less than a year of laying up with a woman.

In fact, studies at Harvard University showed that men’s testosterone drops once he’s married, or even living with a woman.

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Guys in relationships have low T and it shows: pudgy dad bods and total lack of drive to work out.

The poor bastards lose all sense of personhood.

Along with being 30 pounds overweight, the committed man suddenly starts dressing in dad jeans and white New Balance sneakers that apparently only boyfriends and husbands are able to buy.

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I’ve never seen white New Balance sneakers in a store, but you can’t set foot in a Target without seeing a dozen fat husbands rocking them, while following their wives through the store like well disciplined children.

It’s sad.

Fully functional men, once handsome players, lose their waistlines, their pride, and their ambition, in the black hole of relationships with women.


Plight of the Boyfriend

The Boyfriend becomes a “we” instead of an “I”.

Ask a guy in a relationship what he did over the weekend.

Instead of:

“Yeah, I watched the game, got a burger, then hit up the bars with the guys”.

He whimpers:

Oh,WE went to the farmer’s market this weekend.”

WE shopped for curtains, then made cupcakes for her cousin’s baby shower…”

“Bed, Bath, and Beyond was having a sale…”

He can’t even look you in the eye.

The man in a relationship can’t think for himself, or make a single decision without consulting a woman.

I’ve know men like this my entire life.

They get a sleepy, stupid look in their eyes, like declawed tigers in a circus cage two sizes too small.

The boyfriend is a chubby house cat; too lazy and too comfortable to jump off the windowsill and roam free, as he was born to do.

“Let Me Ask My Wife”

An old friend called me a week ago.

He was upbeat, happy to tell me some good news.

“I asked [his wife] if I could come visit you”, he shared, “she says it’s ok”.

I’ll be happy to see him.

I was startled to hear him admit he has to ASK his wife’s permission to come visit me, like a schoolboy asking his mother to go to a friends sleepover.

I wasn’t surprised, however, as it’s a common statement among married men: “Let me ask my wife”.

If a married woman said she needed to “ask” her husband’s permission to make a decision, people would be asking her to blink twice if she’s in an abusive relationship.

Men are expected to submissively accept behavior that would be pointed out as controlling if it was directed at women.

At my last corporate job, I worked with men who would cower in their cubicle and call their wife to ASK if they could spend $10 hitting a burger joint with the group at lunch.

I can’t imagine asking permission of a woman to do something, or go anywhere.

Why would I want to live like that?

Women Are Never Satisfied

If I did give in to my female companion’s demands for a relationship, that would only buy me a little time.

The biblical parable of Adam and Eve is an example: Women are never satisfied, never happy.

In the story, they are placed in a literal paradise, a lush garden of fruit trees and happy animals.

While Adam happily worked with the garden and tended to the animals, as he was instructed, Eve grew restless.

In the midst of a PERFECT situation, she started eyeing the ONE and ONLY tree she wasn’t supposed to have.

Women today are the same way: Never content.

If I give in to her insisting on a commitment, she’ll just move the goal posts further.

Soon, she’ll want to move in together.

After that, she’ll push for marriage.

I’ll never have a moment of peace.

Before I know it, I’ll become one of the beer gut boyfriends, sheepishly holding her purse in the store.

I like this woman, and I enjoy her company.

However, the thought of submitting to being led around by the nose by a woman is simply not appealing.

If it’s a choice between living free, and a lifetime of baby showers, mood swings, and a raging, hormonal woman controlling my life, I’ll pass.

Freedom isn’t perfect, but it’s the only way I want to live.

I hate farmer’s markets anyway.

-Solitary Beast

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