Comment of the Week: Time Humbles Women

This Comment of the Week is from my post “Why Men Go On Dates“.

This reader suggests that my blog is nothing more than an attempt to “see the people that… did not treat [me] right be put in their place”.

In reality, there is no need for a man to waste time “putting women in their place”.

That will happen all on its own.


The formula to exacting revenge on a woman who rejected you, broke your heart, or otherwise hurt your feelings is simple.

Actually, it’s only two steps:

  1. Stay in great shape

  2. Wait 2 years

That’s it.

Time humbles women.

Being an old woman is like being a man.

Being an old woman is like being a man.

The ordinary passage of time is relentless in its quest to deflate even the most beautiful woman’s ego.

The fall from grace a woman experiences as she ages, losing her physical appeal, and therefore her power, will crush her more than any insult or embarrassment you could come up with.

I do not recommend squandering your valuable time and energy plotting revenge.

If a woman, or anyone, has hurt you, it is in YOUR best interest, to forgive them and move on.

They did you a favor.

Read my post “Women Don’t Understand Rejection” for more on this.

Rather than plot an epic Elliot Rodger style shooting spree (Seriously, get help if you are thinking about this), focus your energy on investing in yourself; physically, spiritually, and financially… and wait.

He was good looking guy. He just needed time.

He was good looking guy. He just needed time.

Ironically, if the famous anti-hero had been patient, he would be 30 this year: more successful, more experienced, and more confident than ever before in his life.

The sorority girls that blew him off would be coming back down to Earth: single mothers, gained weight, one of the dried up cat ladies that get posted to the hilarious sub-Reddit, r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen.

Due to the fact that women have:

  • no impulse control

  • no ability to devise, or execute, long term plans

  • bodies designed to stubbornly retain water and fat,

the prescribed two years will expose the woman in question as the low value, zero ROI, waste of time she always was.

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You just couldn’t see it at the time, blinded by her shiny hair, soft skin, or, as Bell Biv DeVoe sang, a big butt, and a smile.

Tom Leykis, godfather of the “Manosphere”, preached that men should be thankful to the women that rejected them in the past.

The first time I heard that, it sounded like sour grapes.

However, as time passed, I experienced the comeuppance that many people do, when they scoff, incredulously, at advice that later reveals itself to be priceless wisdom.

I realized he was absolutely right.

Dodging A Bullet

A few weeks ago, I ran into a woman that I had been involved with briefly, then she friendzoned me when I started showing too much interest.

She had the same warm, open personality that attracted me to her at first. To be fair, she’s also still cute in the face.

She had also gained a noticeable amount of weight.

A woman who had previously worked as a stripper to pay her way through college, is now shaped more like the a smiling mammy from a syrup bottle, than an exotic dancer.

Since her days on the pole, she’s had a child and is now in her mid-30s.

My previous love interest greeted me with a friendly smile, which made her now-chubby cheeks light up like Norman Rockwell’s depiction of Santa Claus.

It was nice to see after more than a year. However, I couldn’t help but remember Tom Leykis’ sage words.

I wouldn’t have had time to write, start businesses, or pursue any of the goals I’ve worked on since we were involved.

If I had been dating this particular woman for the past few years, I would be fat and happy, right along with her.

Just like Tom Leykis advised: she said “No”, and I dodged a bullet.


Two months ago, on a dating app, I came across a woman that I’d previously known socially, three years before.

Back then, she gave me her number, but barely responded to my texts. Getting a response from her was like pulling teeth.

I fought through her low interest to keep the conversation going (bad idea). When I ultimately asked her on a date, and she didn’t respond.

Fast forward three years.

This time around, we matched, and she messaged me first.

In the 3 years since we last saw each other, I have transformed my life:

2017. Not bad looking, just skinny fat, weak beard, and “too nice”. I was just out of a long term relationship and clueless about dating in the Tinder/Hinge era

2017. Not bad looking, just skinny fat, weak beard, and “too nice”.

I was just out of a long term relationship and clueless about dating in the Tinder/Hinge era

2021: More muscular, and leaner, despite bulking at the moment. I’m now successfully self-employed, confident, and give zero fucks.

2021: More muscular, and leaner, despite bulking at the moment.

I’m now successfully self-employed, confident, and give zero fucks.

  • Lost 25 pounds

  • Carved my previously skinny fat body into a lean, muscular frame

  • Built 3 profitable streams of income

  • Started this blog

  • Writing my first book, based on my popular post “30 Dangerous Ideas For Men In Their 30s”

  • Quit my corporate job to work for myself full-time

I also bought a motorcycle, improved my style, and, most importantly, learned Game.

The woman is just 3 years older.

Now 31, she is undoubtedly feeling the dramatic shift in the dating marketplace that slams women in the face after their 30th birthday- noticeably less male attention.

The Wall

I’ll remind you here that “The Wall” doesn’t describe a time when women don’t get ANY male attention.

The Wall is the point at which women can’t get attention from the men they WANT.

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To her credit, the woman from my past appeared to still be thin and fit, at least in the photos she chose for her profile.

She looked about the same, just older.

However, I’ve changed dramatically, evolving into almost a completely different person.

Reformed Simp

If this woman had given me a chance three years ago, I would have bent over backwards trying to please her.

I would have taken her to dinner, pulled out her chair, plied her with compliments.

I would have waited patiently if she had suggested we “wait to get to know each other” before sex.

Just like a well-behaved simp.

As we all know by now, women aren’t attracted to men like that.

That’s why she left me on read back then.

Then 28, she was chasing better looking men than me, who knew better than to ask women on dinner dates, and show too much interest.

More Than Dating Advice

I’ve said before,

The biggest cause of the spread of The Red Pill, is the behavior of women.

The sincere, “good guy” demeanor of my past chased women away, and dried their insides right up.

After striking out time and time and time again, I realized I was doing something wrong.

I went searching for answers.

In The Red Pill (TRP), I found the solution I was looking for, and a whole lot more.

More than a set of tactics on how to get laid, I found inspiration to start weight training, managing my nutrition, starting a business, and learning to reject the social programming that had me treating women like special prizes in the first place.

Along with the truth about gender dynamics, I also gained knowledge about wide ranging topics like racial identity, politics, and government propaganda.

In the last 3 years, I became the better looking, more confident man that my match was chasing back then.

Now I understand how women work, and as a result, I want little to do with them.

I’ve also been openly skeptical about some tenets of The Red Pill. See my post “5 Biggest Red Pill Copes”.

Favor For Favor

In the end, the woman who once blew me off invited me to meet up for a drink. (Women over 30 know they have to be more aggressive when pursuing desirable men than when they were young and hot.)

When my phone buzzed with her offer for a date, I glanced at the message, and smiled.


I’m a busy guy with no time to waste on women, certainly not women who chased other men in their youth, only to come back around in their 30s, seeking a bail out. Read my post “The High Value Man Is A Simp”.

Now that the roles were reversed, I generously returned the favor she had paid me 3 years ago.

I left her on read.

-Solitary Beast