Comment of the Week: Women of Solitary Beast

There are two types of women that comment or write emails into Solitary Beast.

The first, and most predictable, is women who are shocked and hurt by the frank language I use here.

My blog may be the first time the have heard the truth about how men really think about dating, sex, and relationships.

Women are not privy to conversations where men are allowed to speak freely, such as the locker room.

They’ve never been confronted with the reality that men don’t exist to provide women with the lifestyles they feel they deserve.

Even adult women live in a fairy tale land of Disney princesses, where a “high value” good man swoops down to be a stepfather to a fat, middle aged woman and her 2- 3 illegitimate children.

Pumped up on feel good motivation pimps like Oprah and Derrick Jaxn (RIP), women charge out into the dating market, feeling they are entitled to what, in reality, is a statistical miracle.

Within a short time, they realize they’ve been lied to.

When those women find the cold hard truth on Solitary Beast, they act out by throwing a fit, like George Floyd in a convenience store.

The second type of woman is more reasonable and more realistic.

Rather than become angry by my opinion, this second type of woman is thankful that I have provided the rare opportunity to understand a man’s point of view.

This letter is a response to my popular post, “Why Men In Their Thirties Are Still Single”.

This week’s Comment of the Week is an email I received from a female reader.

She took the time to express gratitude for helping her to find out about the thoughts of successful men she prefers to date.

Female Solipsism

Women’s problem, if I had to pick just one, is that they are completely absorbed in their own reality.

Women exist on a separate planet from the rest of us in real life, one where their whims and wants are the only thing that matters.

This is a false paradigm promoted by mainstream media, “You Go Girl” culture, and simps who unnecessarily gas women up, in thinly veiled attempts to get sex.

Selfishly, women do not care, or even pause to consider, what men desire from relationships.

These are the fat, entitled, unmarriageable women that cross their arms obstinately, declaring “I AM the table”, rather than sincerely answer the question about what benefit they could bring to a man’s life.

I receive emails and comments like this often, from the small percentage of women who can consider relationships and sex from a point of view outside their own.

These women are smart enough to understand that stamping their feet and hurling insults at a blogger isn’t going to change the reality of their lives, or men’s biology.

I don’t write Solitary Beast for women, and I don’t care if they read it.

However, if my words can help someone make sense of their experiences, and even “enlighten” then, as this reader said, I feel that I’ve done a good job.

To that reader, and others like her, you’re welcome.

-Solitary Beast