7 Reasons Women Reject You

1. You Look Like Sh%t

People forget that human beings are animals.

Women are visual creatures and have visceral reactions to certain physical traits in men, just like female in any other species.

We’ve all been spun a web of lies about women caring more about internal qualities like confidence, more than “superficial” qualities like rippling abs, or a great smile.

The reality is,

women feel animal lust for strong, handsome, well groomed men.

It’s the same way a lioness instantly feels a surge of sexual desire for a muscular, dominant male lion.

It is a mistake to neglect this.

Use your body to your advantage.

Build your body into a strong, lean physical specimen.

Turn a woman on visually, and make success in dating and relationships inevitable.

Physically attractive men have more options, and with higher quality women.

They get more enthusiastic dates, more passionate sex, and more chances to screw up before the woman writes them off.

If you are more than 10- 15 pounds overweight, you are cock blocking yourself in terms of potential with women.

All women want to be princesses. There are no fat Disney princes.

I was frustrated and unsuccessful with women, especially on dating apps, until I was in good enough shape to post photos with my shirt off.

Not much about my personality changed over the two years it took to whip myself into fighting shape, but doing so changed everything. I wasn’t even fat before.

No amount of witty pick up lines and quirky hobbies matter if a woman doesn’t get a little wet when she looks at you.

Once I got lean, muscular, and cut, my frustration with dating apps disappeared.

The game changed completely.

Women began to message me first, respond faster, make themselves available for dates right away.

If you’ve ever taken your shirt off in front of a woman, and watched her pupils dilate like you just laid a juicy, T-bone steak in front of her, you’ll NEVER go back to a beer gut and man boobs.

2. You Smell Bad

Women are sensual creatures with twice as many cells in the olfactory portions of their brain than males.

They instinctively respond to smell, and link their emotions with fragrance.

Wear a signature scent that amplifies your attractiveness, and make your living space smell inviting with scented candles, oil diffusers, and the by keeping it clean.

Find an alluring signature fragrance and make it part of your presentation.

Go into a department store fragrance counter and ask the beautiful, young sales girls (they are always beautiful, young sales girls) which scents they like.

This is also a perfect opportunity for you to practice chatting, flirting, and teasing attractive women.

Scent is a crucial part of seduction.

Women will grow to crave your scent, and your presence.

They’ll steal your shirts because they smell like you.

You don’t even need to be there, just the smell of your natural scent, mixed with a masculine cologne, will be enough to make her panties wet.

3. You Talk Women Out of Liking You

I made this careless mistake for years.

I blew DOZENS of opportunities with women that were initially sexually attracted to me by running my big mouth.

Instead of listening and getting to know the woman, I would repel her by talking too much about my opinions and viewpoints.

I thought I was impressing women with my intellect;

in reality, I was chasing them away.

Of the total women that liked me, I could only sleep with the tiny fraction.

I ran my mouth and talked myself out of DOZENS of notches over the years. Women would initially find me handsome- until I FORCED them to reject me with my bad behavior.

The only ones I could sleep with were the small amount that were either so attracted to me that they didn’t care about my obnoxious opinions, or the very few who agreed with me.

It’s a miracle that I ever got laid at all.

It’s bad form to talk about yourself too much.

Guys everywhere chase women away by talking instead of listening.

The best thing you can do to be instantly more likable in any interaction is LISTEN.

Ask questions the person would enjoy answering, and give them your full attention. Let them talk.

This simple technique instantly causes people to like you more.

This is an effortless way to build attraction with women.

Asking questions, while not revealing much about yourself, causes you to seem mysterious and all the more alluring to the curious nature of women.

4. You Complain About Women

Men that complain about women tell on themselves.

In their resentment, they communicate their frustration and lack of success.

Women aren’t flawed human beings.

They operate inherently differently from men, for a variety of reasons.

However, there’s nothing wrong with the way women think (illogically), behave (irrationally), or communicate (indirectly).

Instead of becoming frustrated with women, become curious about them, and how they think.

Once I had a better understanding of how women think and feel, I felt more bemused by their antics, than annoyed, as I had felt before.

Guys who are unsuccessful with women complain endlessly about “women’s nature”, hypergamy, and the evil exploits of Chad.

They’d rather whine than take notes.

You can bitch about “Chad”, or become him,

by capitalizing on the simple principles guys like that employ to create and maintain attraction in women.

Women love challenge, excitement, mystery, and backbreaking sex. Men who understand this, and simply give it to them, reap the rewards.

5. You Dress Like Shit

Walk around a local shopping mall or park in the US. You will see adult men in graphic superhero tees, saggy pants, and beat up old running shoes.


the majority of men in America dress like overgrown, sloppy children.

We long for the feminine, demure women of our grandfather’s times, but we don’t look, or carry ourselves like the strong, confident men that our grandfathers were.

Those men wore pressed shirts, nice watches, polished shoes, and neat haircuts. In that time, no self-respecting man would be caught dead in baggy jeans and a stained shirt.

I’m not asking anyone to wear a suit and fedora to Chipotle.

Men today don’t seem to care about how they look. In fact, some men wear their lack of concern for their appearance as a badge of honor. They wear unflattering, dirty clothes and give away a key advantage in the game of attraction.

Comfortable basics like jeans and a shirt can upgrade to a more stylish fit and a henley, or a trim fitting button down. Of course, anything looks better draped across broad, muscular shoulders, and hugging a thick pair of arms.

6. You’re Lazy

Women are replused by lazy, unmotivated men. It’s not (just) about the money. A woman wants a leader. She longs to join you on your mission, whatever that may be.

For example, in the creation story told in Genesis, the Hebrew god, Yahweh, creates Adam first, then sets him on his purpose of tending to the Garden of Eden.

Genesis 2:15 “The Lord God took man and put him in the Garden of Eden, to work and take care of it (NIV translation).

I’m not even religious.

The lesson is that Adam gets his woman after he puts in the work toward his purpose.

Eve joins him as a “help meet”, to support the mission Adam was created to do.

Lazy men strike out with women because they want to put the cart before the horse.

A woman were created to JOIN a man in his mission. She needs this, at her core, to be satisfied in a relationship, and content in herself.

If you don’t have a mission in life, your woman will quickly leave you for a strong, centered man that does.

7. You’re A Boring, Predictable, “Nice Guy”

Women are DYING for an attractive, charming man who knows what he’s doing to come along and sweep her off her feet.

She’s been reading romance novels and watching Disney movies her life, fantasizing about the magic moment that the prince rescues her from her evil stepmother.

In modern times, the prince is the exciting bad boy; the evil stepmother is her boring, daily life.

“Most women are starved for attention.

…The sheer mind numbing monotony of everyday life instills in women an insatiable desire for romance and passion. As a man, you must simply be aware of this desire. Women are constantly looking for stimulation and attention.”

-Chris Canwell, “Atomic Attraction”

She wants the excitement of being caught up in a love story with a Charming Prince on a white horse.

When you show up in a beat up Corolla and take her to Applebee’s and a movie, like EVERY OTHER guy since she was in the 8th grade, you’re boring and predictable.

She’ll think your stable career, and basic manners are “nice”. You might make a great stepdad after she pops out a few kids for a man she’s actually attracted to- but you won’t excite her the same way the bad boy does.

You don’t even have to buy a motorcycle and leather jacket.

Create attraction in women by leaving them in suspense.

Let her wonder about you.

Don’t talk too much on the phone between dates.

A simple coffee date is an adventure if you take her to a new spot, but don’t tell her where you’re going.

Tell her what time to be ready, and what to wear.

When she asks where you’re taking her, give a mischievous James Bond smirk and wink,

“Why are you asking so many questions?”

Bring her to a place you’ve never been before, on a different side of town.

In Conclusion

Forget everything you’ve heard about what women want, and believe your eyes.

Men that are successful with women follow the principles I’ve laid out in this article.

They look good,

smell good,

create mystery,

and stoke excitement.

And always remember:

there are no fat Disney princes.

Recommened Resources:

“Atomic Attraction” -Christopher Canwell
