5 Tips To Improve Your Sex Life During Quarantine

Among the silliest things I’ve heard this week, delusional guys that don’t understand women are now setting up video chats with women from swipe apps (like Tinder, Hinge, etc) and calling that a “date”.

Under current lock down and social distancing conditions, these men will not be able to sleep with, or even physically meet up with these women for months, if ever. Yet they are signing up to hand over their precious time and attention, with no chance of ever receiving any measurable reward (sex, companionship) in return.

This idea shows inexperience and tragic lack of understanding of how to build attraction with women.

Also, it is a complete waste of time.

Women Crave Male Attention

Women have a CONSTANT need for attention from men.

This is a crucial thumbscrew and you MUST understand it to be successful with women.

Everything women do:

  • layers of make up,

  • butt hugging yoga pants,

  • push-up bras,

  • plunging necklines to show off busty cleavage,

is a ploy to get men to provide them with the critical attention they need to feel good about themselves.

Smart men understand their attention as valuable currency, and only part with it only in exchange for the sexual intimacy they want from women. 

As such, video chatting with a woman you haven’t, and can't meet, is inadvisable.

The undeserved attention feeds her ego, meets her gaping need for validation, but doesn’t satisfy any of your imperatives, namely getting laid.

In his essential book, “How to Be A 3% Man”, Corey Wayne provides a definition.

Date (noun)-a romantic, fun-filled opportunity for sex to happen”.

At the time of this writing, it is not yet possible to have sex with a woman through an iPhone screen.

Video chatting isn’t a date, and you should not waste your time doing it.

Chad Is Ignoring Her

Men that were actually successful with women before the state sanctioned lock downs are largely ignoring them now. Guys who understand this know that the now attention starved women are only agreeing to FaceTime “dates” because of this phenomenon.

Men that are successful with women understand that attraction, chemistry, and physical escalation can only happen in person.

With entire cities shut down, women can’t go on dates, and sex can’t happen.

Can you picture a man with options, a “Chad”, video chatting a woman, aimlessly making awkward small talk?

Of course not.

Instead, Chad is continuing to improve himself by doing body weight workouts in his bedroom, practicing guitar, and rebuilding the carburetor on his vintage motorcycle.

Women are texting Chad day and night, begging for a crumb of his attention. He’s busy with the motorcycle, he just ignores her.

In a validation emergency, she agrees to video chat a weak dude from Tinder (you).

Your attention makes her feel pretty, and she knows for sure you won’t be expecting sex- you’re not even in the same room!

It’s easy to demonize the idea of “Chad”. It takes more effort to accept that stereotypes are true, and learn from his success.

Women love men with:

lean, athletic bodies,

great style,

and cool hobbies.

Like a gift from Heaven, all of a sudden, you have nothing but time on your hands to build that body and cultivate those hobbies.

Assuming things eventually return to normal, you should use this time to improve yourself in ways that make life easier and more successful once it’s over.

Delete dating apps

Scientists, doctors, and even government appointed experts do not know how long the quarantines will last.

Delete the dating apps and invest this time in improving yourself. When this is over, there will be hordes of horny women roving the streets.

They will be insatiable, searching everywhere for strong, masculine men to ravish them.

As author Eddie Fews says,

“The value of a masculine man has never been higher”.

This is even more true in times like these.

Six months from now:

You will either be light years ahead of where you currently stand: boasting rippling abs, bulging biceps, a great sense of style, and a fascinating hobby.

OR you will be exactly where you are right now: weak, frail, flabby, frustrated by mediocre success with women who don’t excite you.

Seize the day and use this time wisely.

These are the top things you should work on with all your newfound free time.

Build Your Body

It’s already been said here, and every other blog, book, and Youtube video about seduction.

I sculpted a strong, muscular frame out of a weak sack of flab and it transformed the way women respond to me.

I can personally bear witness that nothing will improve your success in dating and sex like looking good with your shirt off.

The non-negotiable rules of game are:

1. Be attractive.

2. Don’t be unattractive.

The rest of this list is about improving your social skills and pursuing hobbies that you are passionate about. These things are very important, but they don’t matter AT ALL if the woman does not find you physically attractive to start.

Let me say it again:

If you are not in good physical shape you are limiting your potential with women, no matter how much confidence and charisma you have.

Being physically attractive is a currency that is accepted everywhere.

Women will give you more chances, be more cooperative, approach you first, and make getting her into bed (or the nearest bathroom/ backseat) EASY-

if you make her panties wet when she looks at you.

Why do you think women supposedly hate “fuckboys”, but so-called “fuckboys” get laid more than anybody?

The hot guy gets her juices flowing.

Men, against all observable reality, men tragically underestimate that women are visual creatures who prefer hot, muscular guys.

Romance novels are Porn for women:The cover of every romance novel is a shirtless hunk with ripped abs, yet lazy, fat guys INSIST that women care “more about personality than looks,”because they don’t want to work out.

Romance novels are Porn for women:

The cover of every romance novel is a shirtless hunk with ripped abs, yet lazy, fat guys INSIST that women care “more about personality than looks,”

because they don’t want to work out.

I’m not here to argue with them.

During this quarantine, the number one thing you should be doing to improve your success with women is building your body. Gyms are closed across the US, and the world, but if you have two arms, two legs, and access to a floor, you can still work out.

I made it my goal to get BIGGER during the quarantine, using high volume pull-ups, push-ups, squats, and dips.

Set Measurable Goals

Weights have been outlawed from California state prisons since the 1970s, yet guys come out of prison looking like yoked machines.

This is simply because they have the time to dedicate to training, and in a survival situation like the American prison system, they have no choice but to become physically imposing.

If you are too weak to do standard push-ups on the floor, do them on your knees to start.

Do supersets with crunches, and dips using a kitchen chair.

When those become too easy, make the movement more challenging by holding the movement at its most challenging point, slowing down the negative, or doing it unilaterally (one limb at a time). For example, learn one arm push-ups, single leg squats, etc.

Track your progress by recording each workout.

Challenge yourself by setting goals where you can clearly measure your progress.

It is definitely possible to gain muscle mass with body weight exercises, and even easier if you use any kind of weights or resistance bands.

If you set a goal to complete 200 push ups, 100 pull ups, and 300 body weight squats every day (feasible for most men reading this) you will still good after a few weeks on lock down, or even better than before if you weren’t exercising at all.

There are many pieces to the puzzle of winning at game, but NOTHING will benefit you more with women than looking good.

Curate a style

You will be amazed at how much looking good, and dressing well changes the way that people perceive you.

The more I sculpted my body, the more respect I received from other men, and more attention I received from women.

However, it does no good to have broad shoulders and a thick back if you hide it in baggy, crappy clothes.

“For all good positions in life you must be a salesman. You must advertise yourself.

Whether you know it or not you are already advertising yourself.

If you are dressed like a sloth you are advertising yourself as a sloth.

It hardly matters what your abilities truly are, if you are dressed the part you are automatically assumed to BE the part. “

-Victor Pride, Bold and Determined, Volume 2.

Women care about style and so should you. Looking good feels good. On top of that, developing a personal style is actually fun.

You probably already have a male celebrity or influencer who’s personal style you admire. You can blatantly copy, aka “model” his style, and gradually add in things you like, until you develop your own style.

An excellent resource for this is Pinterest.

Search terms like “guys summer style” etc for dozens upon dozens of fashion ideas, usually with links to the online store where you can buy them.

I’ve searched “short guy style”, “men’s style fall”, and gotten great ideas on outfits to buy, or how to create looks out of clothes I already own.

At the very least, buy a few pairs of dark, fitted pants, a good pair of shoes or boots, and fitted shirts.

The more you build your body through working out, the more you will want to showcase your hard work with clothes that fit well and look good.

Your outward appearance is a complete and total manifestation of your inward mindset, attitude and pride.

If you wish to be perceived as a man of value, start advertising yourself as a man of value.

-Victor Pride, Bold and Determined, Volume 2.

Learn the Skill of Being Likeable

We’ve all known guys that are naturals with women and socializing. Without even thinking about it, they instinctively understand how to build rapport, and be magnetic to everyone around them.

I previously worked with a man like this, and it was amazing to watch. He attracted attention everywhere he went. Guys from other departments in the company would be hanging around his desk like moths to a flame, just wanting to be friends with him.

The most fascinating aspect to me is that he obviously wasn’t trying. This was a tattooed, biker type guy- not the type to be reading books about social skills, or reading books about anything, to be honest.

If you personally know a man like this, you are lucky. Watch him closely and simply model, that is, copy his every move.

Everyone else should read books about social skills.

One of the most exciting things that I gained from learning seduction, was the understanding that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING can be learned.

Things that before seemed like matters of sheer luck, such as being popular, and having success with women, are simply outcomes that can be systematized and repeated over and over by anyone.

You can LEARN to be likeable, engaging, and magnetic to women. In fact, to anyone. It is a skill that pays off in multiple ways in every aspect of your life: in your career, in your relationships with family and friends, neighbors, and more. Not to mention that it’s FUN.

Likeable people get opportunities that unlikeable, off-putting people do not.

Likeability is a tool, both to get women, and as social proof once you’re out on dates.

Many excellent books have been written on the subject, but the most important aspects are these:

  1. Let the other person talk.

    Ask questions they would enjoy answering, and really listen. It’s that simple, but it’s extremely difficult to do, because we all want to talk about ourselves.

    Writer Tim Denning posted an eye opening piece, “This Is What Happens When You Stop Talking About Yourself in Conversations”, where he conducted an experiment of going two full days without talking about himself.

    “Not talking about yourself is this weird superpower”, he wrote, mentioning that listening deepened his relationships and caused other people to want to talk to him more.

  2. Be Hesitant to Share Your Opinion

    All this does is polarize people and make them not like you. A lot of women have extreme leftist views about feminism, etc. anyway.

    Voicing your opposing beliefs, no matter how delicately you try to put it, will only piss them off. As I mentioned in the previous point, you shouldn’t even be talking.

    Ask questions, and shut the fuck up.

The top books I recommend on seduction are:

“How to Be A 3% Man” by Corey Wayne

“Atomic Attraction” by Chris Canwell

“Attraction Is Not A Choice” by David DeAngelo

On social skills in general:

“This Is What Happens When You Stop Talking About Yourself In Conversations” by Tim Denning, via Medium

“NLP: The Essential Guide” by Tom Hoobyar

Get Really Good At Something You Can Do With Your Hands

There are plenty of interesting hobbies you can do inside, online, and by yourself. See my post “15 Best Hobbies You Can Do Alone” for an exhaustive list.

The internet is still open.

You can buy model car kits, a guitar, a chess set, gymnastics rings, a cookbook, and plenty of the things you need to explore a new hobby during the quarantine.

You need a hobby because you need passion.

You need to be interesting.

You need to know how to entertain yourself.

When the world opens back up, you need to be able to chat to different people about different topics.

A cool hobby, no matter what it is, accomplishes all that, and is fun to boot.

In Conclusion

You’ll see a lot of people crying about the quarantines.

They are whiners and you should ignore them.

Worldwide lockdowns are a once in a lifetime opportunity to invest in yourself.

Learn game, improve your body, perfect a physical craft like playing guitar or building engines.

You cannot physically meet up with women, so there is no reason to waste your time trying to talk to them. In texts and video chatting, you run the risk of saying something that turns them off, and you cannot escalate sexually.

Delete dating apps and use this time to recreate yourself, if necessary. Or improve upon aspects of your personality that are working well, if not.

Fawning over women you can’t sleep with is signing up to be a woman’s beta male orbiter. She is only using you for attention until this is over and will disappear as soon as Chad starts returning her texts, and she doesn’t need your validation any more.

If you had a woman you were dating before the lock downs, from now on, let her do all the initiating. When she reaches out, exchange 2- 3 messages, then say, “It’s great to hear from you. I’m a little busy right now. Let’s meet up when all this blows over.”

Then get off the phone and go do some push ups. She’ll find a lame beta orbiter to FaceTime in the meanwhile.

Anything you accomplish in terms of improving your body, or developing a greater understanding of women will serve you better than aimlessly chatting with women like on of her sorority sisters.

Set measurable goals then use this abundance of free time to pursue them.

Thank the lames for keeping women busy for you while you invest in yourself.

They’ll be waiting for you when this is over.

-Solitary Beast