One Natural Trait That Makes Introverts Irresistible to Women

I’ve written before about the characteristics of loners that can present challenges in dating and relationships.

Loners tend to:

  • be accustomed to meeting our own emotional needs

  • keep our emotions to ourselves, and

  • we often expect others to do the same.

Since most people who aren’t loners expect more emotional support, partners can sometimes mistake this emotional independence as carelessness, insensitivity, or lack of empathy.

As a lifelong loner, I am guarded with my emotions. I don’t even think about talking about my deepest feelings with other people. In previous relationships, this tends to frustrate girlfriends who complained that I don’t “open up”, when I avoid talking about my feelings.

Now that I’m aware of this, I make an effort to (selectively) share more of myself (although only things that I can frame in a positive light) with women, as the relationship progresses.

Women will say they want you to share your feelings. In reality, whenever I have shared a vulnerability with a woman, I have seen the disappointment wash over her face when I did.

Women will question your strength, and clearly lose attraction to you if you share a fear or insecurity with them.

Just another reason to always keep in mind that what women say they like, and what they actually respond to, are two different things. Don’t listen to women. If you do, listen long enough to do the opposite of what they tell you they want.

Women Are Like Cats

Since the 1970s, social engineering in movies, television shows, and society as a whole have promoted the idea that men should be in touch with their “feminine side”.

The archetypes of the rugged, stoic John Wayne and Clint Eastwood were pushed aside for the wimpy, sensitive guy pouring out all his emotions to his love interest. In the movies, this results in skinny nerd winning the beautiful woman’s heart. Upbeat music swells as they share a climactic kiss and the credits roll.

Do that shit in real life and women will laugh in your face, at best.

Coach Corey Wayne said it best “Women are like cats.”

Women like the moody, unpredictable behavior of their favorite pet cat. They don’t want to know all your feelings, they don’t want to know what you are going to do next. Multiple scientific studies at universities across the US have shown that women are more attracted to men who’s feelings are unclear.

Just like the house cat who greets her enthusiastically at the front door when she returns home from work one day, then barely looks up from his spot on the windowsill the next. He’s unpredictable and women go crazy for unpredictability.

Women love mystery, intrigue, and trying to figure out what people are feeling.

The number one attraction skill that comes naturally to loners is not talking about our feelings.

Conceal your emotions. This is a natural habit for most introverts, and a golden key for appearing enigmatic, and therefore, highly desirable, to women.

Always Say Less Than Necessary

Law 4 of the 48 Laws of Power states, “Always say less than necessary.” Author Robert Greene continues, “Power cannot accrue to those who squander the treasure of words.”

As an internally referenced person, you are accustomed to dealing with your own emotions, or possibly sharing with only a few close friends.

Women will be intrigued by your mystery. You will draw them to you like a magnet.

When you stay tight lipped about your feelings and conceal your intentions (Law #3), women start to wonder about you, and that air of mystery builds attraction.

Psychologist and author Chris Canwell wrote,

“Attraction grows in space.” When you give women the space to wonder about you, think about you, and miss you, the result is they like you more.

When you are with your woman, keep the attention on her by asking high quality questions.

Anybody will like you more if you ask them fun questions that allow them to open up about their lives. Nobody does this, as most people love to talk about themselves. Keep your date talking, and stay interested by nodding, listening, and maintaining (non creepy) eye contact.

By asking questions, and keeping your attention on her, you stand out even more. While she’s opening up, you’re learning more about things she likes, and dislikes. For a loner, the best thing about this is you don’t have to talk about yourself.

Easy Win

The best thing about this technique is that it’s easy for loners to keep their feelings to themselves. It’s an easy win all around.

Your dates will be:

  • more attracted to you because you make them feel important and interesting

  • intrigued by you because you are a mystery

  • interested in spending more time with you because of how good you make them feel

Keep your mouth shut, and win.