How to Keep Momentum During the Quarantine

In the months before the government recommended lock downs swept the US, I was having the time of my life.

After my last long term relationship ended, I committed to having the types of relationships I’d always wanted, with the types of women I’ve always wanted.

I’d invested years of studying seduction, pick up, and relationship skills. Through my studies, I learned that looks are just as important as tight game, and commenced to train for hours in the gym, building a muscular body I could be proud of.

My hard work finally culminated in rippling abs, confident charm, and the rich dating life I’d dreamed about since childhood.

The New Me

Newly actualized me was juggling 3- 4 dates per week, and it could have been more, if I could have fit them in between my full time job and the gym.

I was seeing different women back to back, and one regularly: an affectionate, yoga instructor with a kind heart, easy laugh, and a set of voluptuous breasts usually only seen on hentai characters.

I was making huge gains in the gym, my other passion. Guys would stand around marveling at me when I strapped my body weight to my waist and crushed out rep after rep of dips with perfect form. I was squatting numbers almost higher than I could count. I had just notched a personal record on the bench press.

My hard work and determination had finally paid off. Life was good, and showed every sign of getting even better.

Twenty four hours after lifting the heaviest bench press of my entire life, I headed to the gym after work for another training session.

The parking lot was eerily empty for a Friday evening. I walked up to the door, and my heart sank.

The local gym, my sanctuary, was closed indefinitely.

My favorite woman was furloughed from work, and though she lived only 20 minutes away, she was obeying the lock down order and staying home. We wouldn’t be seeing each other for a full month.

All my hard work came to crashing halt.

It was heartbreaking to lose everything I’d worked for overnight. Soon I came to my senses and realized that this quarantine wasn’t a set back at all, it was a tremendous opportunity for even greater growth.

I came up with a blueprint to keep myself sharp. When the lock down order is lifted, I will be even stronger, even more aesthetic, even better with my social skills and game. In this time, so many guys are wasting this unprecedented opportunity with meaningless trivialities. Here at Solitary Beast, legends like us are hard at work. like the ant that toiled while his grasshopper buddy wasted time.

When the lock down order is lifted, I’m going back to crushing heavy workouts and seducing dozens of beautiful women. I hope you guys are with me when it happens. Here’s how:

Make A Plan

Telling yourself, “I’m going to start working out during the quarantine is setting yourself up for failure.

You need measurable goals that you can track, so you see your progress.

I wanted to get into body weight workouts, but I felt lost after spending two years training in the gym. I would tell myself I was going to do push-ups and pull-ups every day. I didn’t have a clearly defined plan and a lot of questions:

How many sets and reps should I do?

How long should I rest?

Full body or targeted work outs?

I bounced around my backyard for a month, throwing kettle bells around, trying to build a training plan. I couldn’t stay consistent because I didn’t have a plan in place. Hours on YouTube, and various fitness blogs didn’t actually help me understand exactly what I needed to do.

I found an excellent book on the topic of body weight fitness, specifically using calisthenics to build mass.

The book was full of actionable information, and laid out a 6 month training plan to build muscle. It was such a relief to have everything laid out. All I had to do was work the plan.

As I write this, I’m still in the first week of training using the plan from the book “Body Weight Muscle”. The few hours I spent reading and highlighting the material paid dividends, and the first few workouts from the book were a lot of fun.

The book was delivered instantly to my phone via the Kindle app, and it was even free to read when I signed up for a free trial of Kindle Unlimited.

Whatever goals you are chasing during this period, take the time to educate yourself thoroughly, more than skimming a few YouTube videos and blog articles.

My number one recommendation is to actually Read A Book on your topic of interest. Since you have so much more free available, read more than one. Highlight, take notes, and write down the important quotes from the material.

You will understand any topic one hundred fold by reading about it, rather than jumping around with clickbait videos.

Set Measurable Goals and Track Your Progress

Setting measurable goals will keep you motivated and tracking progress makes pursuing goals fun

Break your huge goals into small bite sized steps.

Now that you’ve read 1- 3 books on the topic, as I recommended in the first step, you are a subject matter expert. It will be easy for you to break your journey down into chunks.

For my new path of body weight training, these are my goals:

  • Perform one hand push-ups for reps

  • Perform handstand push-ups for reps

  • Hold a planche

The great thing about body weight training is that all the movements break down into progressions. That way I can keep chipping away at my major end goal, while staying motivated by smashing all the little steps along the way.

Sweat the Small Stuff

It’s all small stuff.

The Pareto Principle states that you get 80% of your results from only 20% of your effort.

The challenge is to find out which 20% is the most important. For me, I love to train. I would work out, run, do sit-ups and push-ups all day if I could. I’m still way smaller than I want to be, because of the last 20%- nutrition.

I struggle to consume enough calories. I’ve never counted macros, or even tried to learn before a few days ago. So even though I work out religiously, I’m strong as hell, but I’m much smaller than I could be if I dedicated myself to eating enough.

This will be different for everyone, depending on what your end goal is.

What’s your 20%?

Build Systems Conducive to Consistency

Once you identify the small parts that will contribute the most bang for your buck: systematize them to make it easy.

Even if you’re not working at the moment, eventually, the world will start to reopen and you will be back to something close to your normal schedule.

Systematize as much of your goal as you can, and reap the rewards.

For me, it’s taking the time to create a meal plan, prepping everything in advance, and stocking the fridge with high calorie, high protein meals ahead of time.

Examples of a system that can help you achieve your goals is setting up an extra automatic payment on a loan, if your goal is to pay off debt. Schedule an account to purchase stock at certain prices, or every time you get paid, if your goal is investing, bring a notebook to work, and set an alarm on your phone to sound at a certain time each day, if your goal involves writing, you get the idea.

Hire A Coach

I recently realized that this is a thing I need to be doing. I have made admirable progress toward my goals of being a legendary seducer of women, and a body carved of stone, a savvy investor, as well as a writer that leads and inspires with his words.

Things are going well, but if I’m being honest, I’m far below where I actually want to be in my life, career, and relationships.

In order to rise to the level I’ve never reached, I’ll need to do something I’ve never done before, which is work with a coach.

The alternative is to let another year pass, making only marginal progress towards my desired outcome.

I’m not a coach, and I’m not trying to get hired as one. Many of you can likely relate to this feeling. I need to take the next step, but I want the guidance of a mentor to lead me forward.

If you feel this way as well, my advice is to seek out a coach to help you.