Why You Should Start Your New Year Resolutions 3 Months Early

According to Brian Tracy, 97% of adults have never made a list of written goals in their entire lives.

Imagine that.

Living life, as an adult:

  • in the richest country the world has ever known, 

  • mind blowing technology, 

  • travel, communication, and wealth more accessible to more people than ever before, 

And blowing that opportunity, because you’re not even thinking about how to capitalize on it.

That’s insanity.

I want better for all the brothers in the Solitary Beast tribe.

That’s why I’m sharing my special technique of the 100 Day Head Start.

As far as I know, I invented this strategy.  I’ve never heard anyone else, even so-called “success gurus” and “GRinD yOUr F*%KinG FacE oFF!!” influencers, talk about it.

The key to guaranteeing you achieve your goals is to make the process as easy as possible.

I recently posted a video to my Youtube channel, titled “Why You’re Nervous Around Women”.

In that short video, I break down my step by step method of how to start as a shy guy, who is terrified of making eye contact with women, and ending up a confident stud, to being able to walk up to ANY woman, and start great conversations, get her number, and set a date.

If you struggle with shyness, or speaking to women, the message will help you instantly.

My system works because I teach men to change their lives, one step at a time. 

This is the same idea as using progressive overload, like a bodybuilder.

With this method, even a big transformation like building confidence with women is so easy you can’t fail.

Patient progress builds confidence.

This approach is applicable to so much more than talking to women.

When a man shows himself that he can overcome his biggest, scariest challenge, he builds an unshakeable inner resolve to face any obstacle, and KNOW he can prevail.

Strength like that changes a man’s life.

It will change yours.

Reasons to Start Early

1. Less Pressure

Let’s say that your resolution for the new year is to drop 15 pounds, and finally build the lean, masculine physique you really want for yourself.

As I mentioned in the video above, accomplishing goals is about creating new habits. 

You’re essentially changing your identity, to become the Type of Person who has the Type of Life you want.

Like everyone else, you make your plans for 1 January and hope for the best.

However, New Year’s Day is a holiday. There’s parties, champagne, and holiday food. This is a terrible time to try to begin a new habit.

Around the holidays, you’re likely to be traveling.

If you’re visiting family, and they want to get pizza for dinner, or your mother in law bakes Christmas cookies, it’s going to be almost impossible to resist.

You’ll also be miserable.

It’s Christmas, the familiar aromas of pies and cakes wafting through the house… and you’re woefully chewing a carrot stick while everyone else decorates sugar cookies.

At best, you might be able to withstand temptation for all of 5 minutes.

Worse, when you (inevitably) fail, you’ll spend the next hours or even days beating yourself up for giving in to your sweet tooth.

What a lame way to spend the holiday season.

Virgin NY Resolution vs. Chad 100 Day Head Start

By contrast, consider that you could start on your goal today, more than 3 months early.

The months of late September- December are quiet, uneventful, and boring, the PERFECT time to create the type of routine and structure that will set the stage for massive success in everything you want to achieve in the next year.

No matter what grand plans you are dreaming up for your future, there are some important skills and mindsets that you will have to master to get from where you are now, to the day you’re driving that dream car, running that 7 figure business, and waking up in bed with Victoria Secret models. (Models, plural. Dream big.)

If you start getting those skills handled today, such as learning how to track macros, honing sales skills, and building your stamina to be able to satisfy multiple gorgeous underwear models, you will have a massive advantage over trying to complete those tasks when you have a champagne hangover and a sumo-sized credit card bill from splurging on Christmas trinkets.

Playing Defense

The second benefit of starting early is that you’ve already created the necessary habits by January.

Additionally, if you’re well into your fitness, financial, or business goals at the start of the next year, you’re likely to be protective of your progress.

Take out the week of Thanksgiving, that’s 10 weeks between now and Christmas. 

That’s 10- 20 pounds. 

You could be down TWENTY POUNDS by Christmas.

Imagine being around family and friends, telling you how good you look, asking how you did it.

There’s no way you’d be able to fall off in that type of situation.

That’s why you start now.

If the goal is saving money, or paying down debt, think about this.

If you start now, and you’re aggressive: work overtime, doing Uber, create a hustle, you could easily pay off a thousand dollars of debt between now and the holidays.

You go into the holidays already winning.

That little snowball that you started in September has unstoppable momentum by January. You wouldn’t be able to fall off if you tried. 

2. The Red Shirt Year

This is a concept that I talk about in my upcoming book. I’m finishing my book, 30 Dangerous Ideas For Men right now, it’ll be out by my birthday next month.

You’re going to have challenges in your pursuit of your goal. You can anticipate that it’s not going to be completely easy to get the things you want in life. 

It shouldn’t be. 

If it was easy, everyone would do it, and it wouldn’t be special.

It’s special for me to be able to record this video (or write this post) for you, at 2 in the afternoon, on a Friday, wearing house slippers, because I did the work required to be able to be self-employed, and own my time.

Think of the time between 25 September and 1 January as a “redshirt” period, basically practice.

During this time, you can try out a few different training programs. If you’re trying to lose weight, for example, you can experiment with several nutrition plans.

You could try keto, you might try intermittent fasting.

In order to lose weight, you only need to be in a caloric deficit. It doesn’t matter how you achieve this.

In fact, there was recently a nutrition professor at Kansas State University, who ate only candy bars, Doritos, and Oreos for a whole semester, and he lost almost 30 pounds.

That’s not healthy, don’t do that, but he’s proving a point. 

My point is that, using my head start concept, by the time you hit January, you’ve already built a new set of habits, which is the hardest part, and you’ve also had time to figure out what doesn’t work.

You know what exercises you like, which ones you don’t.

Maybe you’ve tried a few different types of training, like boxing, CrossFit, running, and you have a system that works for you.


If there’s a new dream that you want to bring into reality in the upcoming year, (and if you are a reader of Solitary Beast, you’d better), don’t waste this golden opportunity to create unbeatable momentum with the 100 Day Head Start.