Is The Red Pill Killing Your Sex Life?

Although most of us discovered The Red Pill while trying to figure out how to ATTRACT women, falling into the RP rabbit hole, ironically, often creates, and exacerbates, personality traits that push women away.

Watching hours of videos where women are always presented as vapid, gold digging sluts, who cruelly reject “average guys” in search of “Chads”, creates a mistrust, and resentment of women.

Women can sense that something is off about men like this, and it sends them running for the hills.

This phenomenon becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So called “average guys” assume women won’t like them, so they don’t even try, with girls that would probably give them a chance.

When women do show interest, such a man quickly turns them off, babbling about the 80/20 rule, single mothers, and hypergamy.

This happened to me several times before I realized that most of my negative experiences with women… were self-inflicted.

While new friends, and potential romantic interests, chatted about their jobs and hobbies, I found myself stuck in Spreadsheet Brain, compulsively explaining US divorce statistics, in detail.

Often that was the first, and last time I was invited to hang out with the group.

You Only Need to Take The Red Pill Once

That doesn’t mean the Red Pill is incorrect, just that talking about it publicly is social suicide in almost all situations.

Concepts like Briffault’s Law and The Wall are scientifically accurate, but inappropriate for polite conversation.

Even if you’re right, talking about it IRL will get you weird looks from guys, and avoided by women.

Understanding the facts about relationships and dating is critically important for modern men.

However, binging Red Pill podcasts, to the point that you can’t talk about anything else, just makes it harder to relate to the 99% of people on Earth who will just label you an “incel”, and run the other way when they see you coming.

The Vicious Circle

  1. You were already socially isolated, and struggling with women to begin with, so you go online looking for answers.

  2. You find a whole corner of the internet dedicated to understanding a topic that completely confuses you: dating and interacting with women

  3. After years of frustration, you finally feel understood, finding a community that shares your exasperation and disappointment

  4. You binge RP podcasts and videos for hours. When you do interact with people IRL, all you can talk about is entitled “modern women”. You come off as resentful and weird.

  5. …leading to inevitable rejection. Dejected, you retreat back to online spaces where you feel safe, and understood, with others who share your views

The Red Pill, while important to understand, becomes a self-perpetuating cycle that keeps guys stuck.

You would feel HAPPIER, MORE PRODUCTIVE, and MORE CONNECTED to others, if you STOP fixating on negativity, and the worst representations of women.

Yes, you need to understand female nature.

However, fixating on negativity only makes YOU weird, bitter, and unlikeable.

How to Climb Out of the Red Pill Rabbit Hole

Any of this sound familiar?

If you’re crashing and burning socially, and can’t figure out why, maybe you’re stuck down the Red Pill Rabbit Hole.

You’re locked into a cycle of cynicism that makes building relationships, making friends, and getting a girlfriend 100X harder than it has to be, even if you are just a “regular guy”.

Is there a way out?

The Good News is, that most guys who get stuck in the RP rabbit hole have A LOT of great qualities, that many people admire, when they’re focused the right way.

Often, guys like us are independent, able to think for ourselves, and don’t mind standing out in a crowd and sticking to our beliefs.

These are GOOD THINGS.

We just have to make them work FOR us, to create the lives we want, not AGAINST us: pushing away potential friends and romantic interests, making us miserable and isolated in the process.

How Finally Gain Freedom?

More on that in my next email.

Talk soon,
