7 Steps to Grow A Beard, Even If You Think You Can't

Contrary to popular belief, growing a beard isn’t just for a few “lucky” men, who were blessed with the right genetics.

If you have a pair of balls between your legs, and testosterone flowing through your veins, you have everything you need to grow the beard of your dreams.

Sure, some men will have an easier time growing the thick, masculine facial hair we all want, but a manly set of whiskers is possible for almost EVERY man, if you follow the right steps.

In the video below, I discuss the power of process.

This is based on a principle that many successful men have written about, and that I’ve discussed in several posts on the blog.

In Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), it’s called “modeling”. At it’s core, it’s just the simple Law of Cause and Effect.

Best-selling author and speaker Brian Tracy puts it like this, from his book “Be A Sales Superstar”

“If you want a particular goal, or effect, in your life, you can have it.

Simply seek out someone else who has already achieved that particular effect or result, and then find out what he did to get it.

If you do the same things that the other person did, you will eventually get the same results.”

Growing a great beard isn’t magic or rocket science. You just need to know the right process, just like following a recipe, or a blueprint.

The right recipe will produce a the same fluffy, delicious waffle every time. A set of blueprints will build the exact same building, like an apartment building, or hotel, where each floor and each unit is exactly the same.

This could be you, if you try HairlineStrong.

This could be you, if you try HairlineStrong.

I wasn’t blessed with James Harden’s killer beard genetics, but I managed to grow a full, dark beard I’m proud of, and I have plenty of room to get even better.

Here are my 7 Steps for Growing A Beard, Even If You Think You Can’t

1. Just go for it.

If you’ve been dreaming of growing a bushy of manly face fur, it’s time to stop dreaming, and start doing. Even if you’ve tried to grow your facial hair out before, decide that you are ready to have what you want in life, and that you are willing to do whatever it will take to get it.

A man who knows what he wants in life, and is willing to work for it, cannot be denied.

If you want to grow a masculine beard, your time is now.

2. Growing a beard isn’t (just) genetic.

You’ve probably noticed that some men seemed to have an unfair advantage in the facial hair department. Certain races of people, and even certain families, seem to grow a lot of facial hair, naturally.

We’ve all known a guy that could grow a Wolverine beard in the seventh grade. However, there’s a lot you can do to grow a thick, manly beard even if you aren’t part Viking.

3. Let it grow.

Some people think that shaving every day will make hair grow faster. Those people are wrong, and you should ignore them.

Commit to growing your beard out for at least 12 weeks, to see what kind of growth you can achieve. Keep it looking neat and professional with trimming and maintenance, as I’ll discuss below.

For best results, you will need to be patient with the process.

4. Get it trimmed up.

I just said let it grow, but getting your fledgling beard trimmed around the edges will keep you looking neat. Looking decent while you grow your beard out will help you stay patient, and it will allow you to keep your clients, or your job, during the grow-out process.

5. Build a good maintenance routine.

A strong grooming game is a major edge in getting the sexy beard you want.

A good maintenance routine of washing your beard, massaging beard oil into your skin, and brushing it to keep it tamed will help your beard grow in thicker.


6. Exercise to raise your testosterone levels.

I’m not talking about 30 minutes on the elliptical like an old lady.

Compound exercises such as deadlifts, burpees, and the almighty squat will jack up your T levels, and pump up your beard growth.

After a heavy squat set, your legs will be screaming, and you can FEEL your testosterone spike pumping in your veins. You will immediately feel starving, like a wild animal, and as horny as a prison inmate. A post workout testosterone boost is the perfect breeding ground to skyrocket your beard growth.

7. Use Hairline Strong growth serum.

Hairline Strong is a hair growth serum that blends clinical strength Minoxidil, with herbal extracts that are proven to stimulate hair growth.

I used Hairline Strong, along with the other steps in this list to grow out a healthy, masculine beard, when I never thought I could.

Get a completely free 60 day bottle of Hairline Strong with the code SolitaryBeast at checkout. Just pay shipping.

In Conclusion

Even if you’ve tried and failed before, you can still grow a full, masculine beard. It takes patience and the help of a clinically proven hair growth serum like Hairline Strong, plus using the tips I’ve discussed here.

Don’t give up on your goals until you’ve tried these steps.

Go after everything you want in life with tenacity and a burning desire to get what you want.

For more on how to look your best, see my post “7 Ways Men Can Grow More Attractive With Age”.

-Solitary Beast