Why More Black Men Support Donald Trump

The majority of Black men, and Black people as a whole vote Democratic. It’s an unquestioned tradition. We all grew up seeing pictures of JFK between Martin Luther King and Black Jesus on the living room wall of our Grandparents’ house.

In 2008, Barack Obama entered the White House, further cementing the tie between the Black community and the Democratic Party.

Surprisingly, in 2016, a small slice of Black men diverged from the party line, delivering a 3% slice of the Black male vote, to Donald Trump, then a controversial Republican candidate.

The media attacked Trump as the second coming of Hitler.

He was maligned as every “-ist” and “-ism” in the book:

  • “racist”

  • “sexist”

  • “misogynist”

  • “white supremacist”

  • and every other over-used insult the Left repeats like a broken record.

However, a small but growing contingent of Black men are questioning the media narrative, choosing to think for themselves, rather than follow the whims and hysterics of rabid feminists and weak minded males.

The Image Problem

The Democratic Party has an image problem among this small band of Black men.

Many dissenters see the Democratic party brand as representing weakness, race-baiting, and victimhood. Democrats offer more vocal support for feminists, gays, and radical LGBT activists than they ever have for the concerns of Black men.

Black male Trump supporters also point to Democrat supported welfare programs as the culprit for the decimation of the Black family which began in the 1960s.

Prior to such entitlement programs, the American Black community had HIGHER rates of marriage than other races. After such programs, rates of single motherhood, poverty, incarceration, and abortion soared.

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Nobody has ever claimed Trump, or the Republican party is perfect. However, many Black men are so fed up with false promises and victimhood politics on the Left, that they feel driven to consider any alternative.

The Trump Brand

Donald Trump himself is far from the masculine, alpha male. He’s in his 70s, overweight, bald, with a fake orange tan, and supposedly tiny hands.

In spite of that, he has been able to craft an image that many positively associate with masculinity, success, and power.

As always, within the realm of advertising, and public opinion, many things are able to be sold as something other than what they actually are.

For example, sugary cereals are marketed as breakfast, when they contain enough sugar to fully qualify as dessert. Granola bars are considered “healthy” when most of them have as many calories as any candy bar.

Similarly, in spite of who and what Trump actually is, his image is success, power, and a defiant representation of unapologetic maleness.

George W. Bush was another president able to present an image that transcended reality.

In the months before his 2000 election, he took interviews tooling around his Texas ranch, removing sagebrush, the image of the rugged Texas cowboy. This was far from reality, as Bush was actually born into immense family wealth, a blue blood from Connecticut. The Bush family fortune goes back generations of old East Coast money, nowhere near the cattle ranches and cowboy boots he presented to the American public.

Republican politics, and Trump specifically, appeal to Black men who are tired of liberal talking points: feminism, gay rights, and radical social agendas. Many may feel amused by the way Trump’s brash manner irritates Leftist sympathizers.

Trump was demonized for his comments about grabbing women “by the pussy”, however you can hear rap lyrics saying the same, and worse, anytime you turn on the radio.

In fact, Trump was a favorite in the Black community in the 90s, his name was dropped in songs by Nicki Minaj, Method Man, Lil Wayne, and countless others, as a synonym for wealth and success.

Lil Jon’s hit song about “skeet”-ing on women, and sweat dripping off his testicles that didn’t seem to bother Black women.

Lil Jon’s hit song about “skeet”-ing on women, and sweat dripping off his testicles that didn’t seem to bother Black women.

In fact, rappers constantly brag about wealth, power, and access to women, it’s no wonder that Trump’s image would appeal to that demographic. He also doesn’t placate women, which is another appealing factor to Black men who are raised in communities and families led by women, and have witnessed the catastrophic failure that matriarchy has caused.

Black Women and Democrats

The main reason why Black women are so enamored with Democrats, is because they always need handouts. Author Coach Greg Adams famously quipped, “Black women procreate with bums, then look for a solution later”. Black women are reliant on Democrats for programs that will help them raise the children of the losers and gangbangers they love so much.

Anyone who has been in or around the Black community has witnessed this. Many Black women ridicule and shun young Black men that show any sign that they will grow up to become responsible members of society. Intelligent, well-spoken, ambitious young Black men get brushed off.

Young Black girls, and even grown Black women, chase guys with tattoos, criminal records, or the ability to dunk a basketball. They seem to prefer a man who is already dealing with, and often already has children with, several other women.

After a woman has a child or two (out of wedlock) with such a man, she will then resort to online Old Maid forums and reliably voting for the Democrats who will prop up her poor choices with food stamps and Section 8.

All current statistics on single motherhood, marriage rates, abortion, within the Black community easily proves these points.

In the US, Black children are TWICE as likely to be born to unmarried women. Black women have the HIGHEST rates of abortion per capita. Of all races of women in America, they are LEAST likely to get married, and MOST likely to divorce if they do. On the whole, Black women are simply not attracted to personality traits that would indicate a man is good marriage material.

Many of these formerly shunned Black men understand this fully. It’s clear that the Democratic Party has nothing to offer but handouts to single mothers. They have nothing to lose to try another option.

-Solitary Beast