Coach Greg Adams Shouts Out Solitary Beast

As many of you know, I’m a huge fan of author, speaker, and content creator Coach Greg Adams.

Coach is discerning, entertaining, and funny as hell. He does a great job of warning men of the pitfalls of relationships. He has many indisputable classics on Red Pill topics, that seasoned guys can relate to, such as “The Marriage Wheel”, “The Bait and Switch”, and “10 Women You’ll Meet on Dating Apps”.

I was recently floored to find out that he reads Solitary Beast.

Coach shouted out the blog on his popular live stream show on Youtube. He also put a screenshot up, and put a link in the description of his video to the post I had written about his book.

In the post, I compared the option of being a high value man, vs. living the “Free Agent Lifestyle” that Coach recommends, and wrote a book about. See that post here: ‘High Value Man’ or ‘Free Agent Lifestyle’: Which Option Is Best For Men?

The video I embedded here starts at right the shout out.

My chest swelled up with pride when I heard him shout out my work.

A lifetime of experiences with women, questioning religion, and societal programming had already brought me into the Red Pill content when I found his channel a few years ago. His work opened my eyes even further, on topics of politics, race, and business, while also having me crying laughing at the funny phrases and euphemisms he’s coined.

Adams’ work, and his work ethic, have influenced me far beyond dealings with women. This is a guy who, besides raising two kids:

owns a business,

runs several successful YouTube channels,

wrote two important books,

does a podcast,

produces courses to help men achieve their goals.

His book, and an interview he did with another huge Youtube creator, Alpha Male Strategies, inspired me to create my own business, and dedicate more time to growing Solitary Beast.

I was happy as a kid on Christmas hearing Coach shout out my work. It’s a truly awesome feeling to know that a man that I look up to in the space showed me love on his massive platform.

Thanks to all the brothers here who have read the blog, commented, liked, and shared my words since the beginning.

I’m thankful for all your support in helping this community grow.

Much respect brothers

-Solitary Beast