How to Resist Feminization & Be A Man

When I was a young kid, in the late 80s, and early 1990s, being a masculine man was socially acceptable.

Although it seems unfathomable now, being a strong, capable man was not only acceptable, it was actually cool, and even promoted in media like television and movies.

The 1980s were the era of hulking, muscular heroes:

G.I. Joe,


Conan the Barbarian.

My dad watched smooth, confident men like Magnum P.I. and MacGuyver, foil criminals and command respect every week.

Before it was illegal to be a man.

Before it was illegal to be a man.

In the hit tv series, Magnum P.I., portrayed by actor Tom Selleck, lives the life of a rich playboy on the gorgeous Hawaiian island of Oahu.

He drives a Ferrari convertible, wears a Rolex wristwatch, and is surrounded by beautiful women.

A former Navy SEAL turned self-employed private investigator, Selleck’s character comes and goes as he pleases. He answers to no one.

This was a time before men, especially white men, were taught to be ashamed of being masculine and strong.

By the mid-1990s, the effects of 20 years of feminist social programming started to seep in to popular culture.

Instead of brawny, red-blooded heroes killing bad guys and defending America, popular culture started to glorify feminine, whiny sensitive men. Stoic, resourceful heroes like Harrison Ford’s Indiana Jones were replaced with weak nerds like Jerry Seinfeld and simpering wimp Ross character in “Friends”.

By the 20-teens, a full revolution had taken place.

In media today, you are more likely to see 110 pound women portrayed as crime fighters and action heroes than a masculine man.

In media today, from commercials to propaganda films, men are portrayed as goofy, compliant, and soft. The obedient nerd is glorified, over the self-reliant mavericks of my childhood.

Culture of Compliance

Icons like MacGuyver, Magnum, Bruce Willis, and others, knew how to handle business.

With women, they were confident seducers, in business, they struck deals and beat up bad guys. Many of these men were depicted as independent, self-employed men who lived above the law, and outside authority.

The culture of that time emphasized masculinity that was synonymous with boldness and individualism.

By contrast, modern cultural influences reinforce reliance on blind obedience to the government, and the undefinable, constantly moving target of “wokeness”.

Modern life glorifies weakness, fear, victimhood, characteristics that commentator and author Bronze Age Pervert (BAP) called the “Nerd”.

“Nerds, so prized by the middlebrow clothmos who rule the cities and want to think that, well, at least they’re smart and deserve RESPECT”

“Their facility with pointless concepts and abstractions make them think they have an understanding of real things, when all they have in a misunderstanding of words and grammar, overgeneralized to the point of meaninglessness.”

BAP summarized the evolution of modern masculine representation as such,

“The danger of our time is not that it makes people bad, but that it makes everything small and afraid.”

The modern culture of the nerd subverts reality, brainwashing people into thinking the only way to be “Smart” is to live in submission to authority figures, studies, and “data”.

1. Imagine that “education” can only be gained from spending 5- 6 years out of the workforce.

During this time, you could be doing anything, instead, you spend it getting drunk and hooking up with vapid sluts, while raking up massive student debt, and reading only from books approved by the state. Naturally, this teaches you to only entertain thoughts approved by the state, and the robot Marxists that control it.

There is an overt, unashamed left wing bias in American universities.

Outside of engineering, medicine, and law, college is useless, nothing more than a feminist indoctrination camp for women.


Smart, driven people will succeed no matter what.

Unless you are a trust fund baby with an Ivy League legacy, or the child of Asian immigrants who will disown you for anything less, it’s better to get an apartment in a college town and work.

Choose a job that either gets you opportunities with the drunk college girls, like working in the local sports bar, or an industry you are interested in.

In fact, you are young and full or energy, do both.

Work for a local entrepreneur who can teach you his business, and wait tables in the college bar on the weekends. Your costs are low, and you have time to fail. Use this to try out different business ideas and get experience creating a product or service, talking to customers, getting sales, and handling your books.

Compare the life and business experience, and money you earn during this time with the years of learning about business from books, and people who have never run businesses. An added benefit is that you will sleep with MORE women than many of the men actually attending college. You will have money, an apartment, and an interesting life outside of handing in term papers.

I rage against the college industrial complex, but I am passionate about learning. Focus on gaining some real, productive skills during this time: learn sales, perfect an instrument, build a strong, masculine body.

2. Understand esoteric concepts but be unable to function in basic life without instructions

Nerds can build algorithms that predict your next thought, but they don’t know how much shampoo to use unless there are specific instructions on the bottle. The essence of Nerd Life is a complete reliance on authority.

Trust in the system supplants the natural trust a man should have in his own instincts. Women are made to submit to authority. If they can’t find or attract a man, they will gleefully submit to government, religion, or screwball ideologies such as feminism, caring about baby whales, or criminals that throw punches at police.

3. Trust scientists, politicians, and “authorities” more than your own instinct and observable reality

Show a nerd a “study” and he will display a fervor matched only by religious devotees meeting the Pope.

Even when “studies” and “data” contradict all observable reality, the nerd believes with his whole heart and full faith.

In my city, COVID precautions specified that patrons of bar or restaurant must enter the establishment with a mask on, but are permitted to take it off once they are seated.

At a bar, you must wear a mask until your drink is served. COVID 19 germs can apparently tell if there is a glass in front of you or not.

This is laughably absurd, yet reasonably intelligent adults accept this, and passively obey.

4. Accept the words of “authorities” incentivized to lie to you, without question

The nerd has given up his free will, to be passively led by political figures. Political figures have “studies”, “data”, and “empirical evidence”. Why would they lie?

The so-called COVID “pandemic” has provided the greatest spotlight on the mentality of the nerd. The flu comes around every winter, thousands succumb to it each year. Yet this year, the common flu was craftily employed as a tool for the “Great Reset”.

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Millions of people were impacted: businesses boarded up, jobs lost, financial hardship spread throughout the country, for a virus with a less than 1% fatality rate.

The most educated nerds among us jumped to submit, wearing a cloth diaper on their face, then two, everywhere they went, even outside, or alone in a car.


Simple flyover state rubes could see that this is a political ploy and charade, and plainly identified it as such. Like the outspoken child who loudly proclaimed a truth that no one else would acknowledge, the Emperor has no clothes.

5. Use big words unnecessarily, imagining that demonstrates intelligence

The nerd’s identity is based on his perceived superior “intelligence”.

He NEEDS to constantly demonstrate that intelligence, via using five dollar words when simple language would be not only clearer, but more accurate.

The use of SAT vocabulary words, when plain English would suffice, is the trademark of the nerd. If the nerd is not constantly demonstrating his intellect, he feels diminished, as if it doesn’t exist if he’s not talking about it.

As Bronze Age Pervert identified,

“Simple people confuse a facility with words for true intellect”

In Conclusion

The lowly nerd is an unfortunate casualty of the modern era, which demonizes men and masculinity. In today’s world, all the lions have been tamed, and barbarians have been subdued. From the safety provided by centuries of patriarchy and masculinity, whiny liberals throw darts at the very men who built society, from nothing, in the first place.

Stripped of his right to take pride in his physical strength or racial background (if he is white), lest he be accused of being an “-ist” or “-ism”, the only thing the nerd can feel pride in is his ability to memorize facts and tables. The nerd bases his entire identity in his ability to recount transgressions of people who have been dead for thousands of years.

The nerd would be happier in traditionally masculine pursuits: creating, building, etc. but he has believed the lies and so feels ashamed.

When you come across the nerd, listen politely to him reciting political boilerplate word for word.

Try not to raise an eyebrow or ask a question. He’ll only think you a hayseed for daring to think for yourself.

Recommended Reading

For more information on the culture of compliance, and the foibles of passive nerds, check out the daring and provocative book Bronze Age Mindset by anonymous author Bronze Age Pervert.

I profiled this book, and several others, in my post “Best Quotes From All the Books I Read in 2020”.

-Solitary Beast