Create Your Own Reality

As a man, you have the unique gift, even the unique imperative, to create your entire reality exactly to your liking.

This much responsibility is an awesome weight on your shoulders, as well as a privilege. It’s also fun as hell.

As a man, even more as a self-directed Solitary Beast, you can make everything exactly like you want it.

Your living space

Your professional career

Your relationships, with friends, family members, and colleagues,

and especially with women.

Many illustrious men before me have spoken about these concepts at length.

Make Your Own Money

Men like Youtube content creator, and author, Coach Greg Adams, Caleb Jones (author of The Alpha Male 2.0) and Youtube personality Alpha Male Strategies explicitly state that every fully actualized man should own and run his own business.

A masculine man is not content working for anyone else.

In modern times, the idea of being an entrepreneur is seen as sexy, or special.

However, men who dream of owning their own businesses are often considered “unrealistic”.

They are often dissuaded by friends and family.

These people advise men to seek the “security” of working for a big company.

They point to the “steady” paycheck, health insurance benefits, and the measly 401k as solid reasons why men should be happy answering to a boss in a corporate environment.

The reality is much more sinister.

No one, and I mean no one, is happy at these corporate bugman jobs, where you are required to show up at exactly the same time every morning, in a neatly pressed shirt and tie (or hardhat, or uniform, whatever), and be HAPPY for the opportunity to do so.

Everybody else does it; sells hours of their lives to pay for apartments filled with cheap Chinese made crap, so modern men are encouraged and expected to as well.

As recently as 100 years ago, this was not the case.

Did you know that even 100 years ago, most men were self-employed in their own business?

It is stunning to realize.

In the past, men were expected to work for another man only as an apprentice, when they were young.

Along the way, the young apprentice saved his money, made connections with the local people in his field, and carefully planned for the day he would have his own enterprise.

After a certain number of years, usually 4-5, depending on the trade, men struck out on their own to make a name for themselves in their field.

EVERY competent man was EXPECTED to own his own business: as a blacksmith, printer, shoemaker, baker, whatever.

It was considered shameful for a grown man to be employed by another man.

He was labeled a “hireling”, a derogatory name that meant a man that was too shiftless, unmotivated, and lazy to be able to make a living for himself.

Times have changed, but the reality is that every man should own his own business in his field of choice, if he is responsible, hard-working, and smart.

A huge part of creating your own reality as man is harnessing your skills and talents, whatever they may be, to support yourself, and meet your financial obligations.

This is part of the Red Pill that men are just starting to discuss.

Societal conditioning goes far beyond indoctrinating men to be simps in relationships.

Since kindergarten, you have been programmed to show up at a predetermined time, sit quietly and color, to raise your hand to ask permission to use the bathroom.

Twenty years later, you’re STILL sitting quietly at your desk, asking another man for permission to take a day off to handle your business. Just like you were taught.

In fact, the modern school system was invented by industrialists.

They needed obedient, able bodied men to run huge, noisy, dangerous machines to produce goods for the (then) new capitalist economy.

They had a devil of a time getting men to do it.

As I explained, in those times, dignified men worked for themselves, or with their families in some sort of small business.

Men made horse carriages, built barrels, made candlesticks, or raised livestock for food.

It was an EXPECTATION that a self-respecting man would have his own business.

Men worked as much as they needed to provide for their obligations, and not a second longer.

Originally, they laughed in the faces of wealthy factory owners who suggested they labor in a factory, away from their homes, for hours of the day.

Men were free.

So the concept of creating your own reality, in terms of business, is not an extraordinary concept.

It’s what you were born to do.

There are many books on business, written by men much more successful than me. I won’t go into those concepts here.

I am encouraging you, if you have any pride in yourself, to start to make money on your own, outside of your corporate kindergarten job.

Concentrate on books and resources by men who have done it themselves, not academic texts by college professors who never even had a lemonade stand.

Live Like A King

One of the saddest things you’ll ever hear is a grown man, excited about a “man cave”. The man cave is a symbol of the cucked modern man.

In a 3000 sf, that house HE pays for, the primary breadwinner is relegated to a small, dusty corner where he can hang his car posters, football memorabilia, and keep his favorite chair.

Read my post “Men and Women Shouldn’t Live Together”.

I have to stop myself from laughing when I hear men talking about it.

It’s not funny, these brothers need help.

For Solitary Beasts the idea of storing your prized sports jerseys and collectibles in a moldy garage is a joke.

Since we avoid cohabitating with exploitative, over emotional people, who want to take over our homes, we have our space to ourselves, and we do as we wish.

Whether it’s a small studio or a sprawling mansion, take the time to make your living space how you want it.

Make it comfortable, inviting, and nice.

Have it clean and make it smell good.

Make it a space that you love to come home to.

In my space, I put up posters that show off my hobbies and interests.

I have mementos from my military service, books, plants, and posters of men I admire, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Muhammad Ali, Paul Newman, and more.

I have a full sized ping pong table, big comfy couches, guitars, and art.

I treated myself to big warm duvet for the bed.

I treat myself like a king.

Even if you’re living in a basement apartment, upgrade yourself with nice things, as much as you can afford.

Many men overlook these aspects of our lives.

If we do improve our space with nice sheets, towels, etc, it’s only to attempt to impress women. You can do all those things for yourself.

During the current COVID lockdowns, many of us are spending more time than ever in our homes.

Make it somewhere you enjoy being.

Date Women Who Worship You

In my reality, all women think I am the most handsome, charming, amazing man they’ve ever met.

They drive across town in a snowstorm to cook me dinner,

they wake me up kissing and sucking on me every morning,

they leave love notes on the pillow begging to see me again soon.

Of course, not all women think this highly of me, but all the women in my life do.

I only deal with, or even speak to, women that have a Very High level of attraction to me.

This trick was a game changer in terms of my confidence and my game with women.

A big part of creating your own reality is only dealing with women, or anyone for that matter, who thinks highly of you. I learned this from Corey Wayne’s “How to Be A 3% Man”, but I heard it first from Jay Z.

“He who does not feel me is not real to me, therefore he doesn’t exist”.

This simple act amplified my swagger and skyrocketed my self-confidence.

Once you deal with women who are cooperative, EAGER to spend time with you.

Women who like you:

call you first,

text back quickly,

invite you to spend time,

initiate kissing and sex.

It’s effortless.

You’ll never go back to low interest women who leave your texts on read, take hours to respond to messages, and act wishy-washy when you try to set a date.

Once you have a woman sweating you, you gain confidence that other women can sense. Your confidence attracts them like flies.

At the point I’m at now, I’ll approach a woman I’m interested in, or send her a single message online. She is free to respond however she chooses. I simply wait for her message back.

If her response is enthusiastic and interested, I chat for a moment, then ask her on a date right away. No chit chat, no wasting time, no “building rapport”.

Women can tell within seconds of seeing you if you meet their standards of a man they would have sex with.

If you are that man, or you’re not in her eyes, you need to know upfront, before you invest your time and energy.

Only deal with women that like you. It’s the easiest way to instantly improve your sex life.

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

The thoughts you think, and the words you speak, have a tremendous impact on your experience of the world.

As Abraham Hicks taught,

“Everything is the way you feel about it.”

No matter where you are in your life right now, you have the ability to choose thoughts that empower and strengthen you.

If you’re not where you want to be, you can choose to be motivated by the opportunity you have to change.

If you have achieved your wildest dreams, you can choose to be inspired to continue to strive for the next big goal.

Everything exists in your own mind, as Earl Nightingale called it, “The Gold Mine between your ears.”

Nightingale is legendary in the field of self-development and personal growth. He has a short lesson, “19 Minutes to Change Your Life” that is full of powerful, transforming ideas that you can use to shape your destiny.

We are all self-made, he said, “but only the successful will admit it.

Simply DECIDE that you are ready to have and be a better version of yourself.

In Conclusion

Don’t be satisfied with a life of mediocrity, that doesn’t fulfill you.

Look around and see all the men living lives of “quiet desperation”, as Thoreau wrote.

If you are a Solitary Beast, a self-directed man, you are free.

Take initiative to make your life exactly how you want it. It doesn’t have to happen over night.

It takes time to get the women you want, the home you want, the business you want.

Take little steps, day by day, and don’t quit.

Be patient. Stay positive.

-Solitary Beast