Comment of the Week: "All Her Effort Went Out the Window"

This week’s Comment of the Week is from reader M P.

His comment on the article “Men and Women Shouldn’t Live Together” repeats a story we’ve all heard before:

Once a woman thinks she has you locked down, she will promptly stop doing all the things she once did to trap you in the first place.

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It’s so common that it’s a trope in memes, sitcoms, and stand-up comedy routines.

Rollo Tomassi wrote about it extensively in The Rational Male.

Basically, he states that women only perform like insatiable sex kittens early in a relationship, as a strategy to rope a man in.

Kind of like how you pretend to be Mr. Perfect in a job interview, then start showing up late and hungover once your probation period is over and your insurance benefits kick in.

When you live separately, the woman knows she has to compete with all other women at your job, at the gym, and on the street.

At any moment, one of those women could catch her man’s eye, and she could lose him.

That’s (one of many reasons) why living with a woman is a terrible idea.

Once you live with her, she knows where you are, or where you’re supposed to be, at all times.

You’re either at work, or sitting at home with her.

It would be much more difficult for you to fuck another woman, and she knows it.

With the competition effectively boxed out, she can relax.

Every man’s worst nightmare.

Every man’s worst nightmare.

It’s even worse in a legal marriage.

The government now has a gun to the man’s head, cocked and loaded to take away everything he has worked for.

Living With Women

I’ve lived with women twice before. The first live in girlfriend started to put on weight in the first 12 months.

A woman who had once been a D1 college athlete, slouched around the house in raggedy gym clothes, eating cookies and ice cream, getting fat before my very eyes.

My recent girlfriend put on a noticeable amount of weight during our relationship as well, although we didn’t live together, and we only dated for a year.

Over the same year, I worked with two different personal trainers.

I was in decent shape when we met.

Since we started dating, I look even better: gained lean muscle, and started carving out a set of abs.

Do I look like a man who would accept a woman getting fat?

Do I look like a man who would accept a woman getting fat?

Lord knows why she thought she could get away with blowing up on a man who weight trains 4 times a week, does cardio religiously, and avoids carbs like the experimental COVID vaccine.

There was no way I was going to submit to the tantrum she threw about wanting to move in together.

She was already up 5- 10 pounds in a year of knowing her.

Had I been dumb enough to set up house with her, she would have been as big as a house in 6 months.

In Conclusion

Thanks to M P for contributing to the Solitary Beast tribe by sharing this comment.

In his comment, M P mentioned that he had broken free of the cohabitation trap. He vows to “never again” be led down the dark path of living with a woman.

Good luck to him, and all of you.

Stay free gentlemen.

-Solitary Beast