

I’m here to change your life.

I once read an Aristotle quote that stuck with me:

“Whosoever is delighted in solitude,

is either a wild beast,

or a god.”

Those words stuck with me, so I flipped the quote into the title of my blog,

Solitary Beast: Masculine Self Improvement for Introverts

What is an Introvert?

A “introvert” is a personality type that is best described as someone who feels most comfortable in their own company.

Introvert men embody the masculine qualities of being “self possessed, self sufficient, and charismatic”. We often thrive on the outsides of established social structures.

We are independent, free thinkers, and non-conformists.

We prefer introspective time alone with our thoughts.

We want to read, work, and travel- usually on our own.

You may identify as a


a “sigma male”,

or no title at all.

You march to the beat of your own drum. You’re more comfortable on the fringes of social groups, than as a face in the crowd.

If you are confident interacting with others, but just prefer not to do so, you might be a Solitary Beast.

The Purpose of This Blog

This blog is the best of everything I read, write, and experience about enjoying life as a rogue introvert man.

I’ve always been more interested in carving my own path, than following in lockstep with a herd of others.

If you’re like me, welcome.

I hope you feel inspired and helped by my work here.

Comment and share posts you like with others.

Thanks for reading.

Solitary Beast

Youtube: Ashley Davis

Podcast: Solitary Beast podcast